
Thursday, December 1, 2011

New Christmas Header and Theme

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!"

December is here and it's definitely time for some Christmas decorating! My sister and I have been watching the Lark Rise to Candleford series so that is where my theme comes from.

You'll also find a playlist with mostly instumental Christmas carols on the right hand sidebar for you to enjoy on your visits here.

Here is my previous header:

And here is my background scrap (if anyone wants to use it feel free!):

I hope you are having fun like I am decorating for Christmas, shopping for gifts and listening to carols!


  1. Love love love this new layout! It's so cheery and pretty! Thanks for putting up my little "Comments are my one weakness" extra. It definitely suits the layout.

  2. I love the new decoration. Beautiful. :)

  3. Great minds think alike! =D haha

    :-) It's very pretty! I really like the background!!

  4. Love the new look! It's awesome, really it is!

    I just started watching Lark Rise To Candleford and am looking forward to seeing more! :D

  5. Thank you for your compliments ladies! I'm very glad you like the new design!

    Miss Elizabeth, I was very glad to find the Miss Lane icon on your extras page, it does fit perfectly! :) As my sister and I have been watching the series we've had fun writing down her "one weaknesses"! She sure does have a lot of them! :)

    Melody, as you know I just love Christmas so I couldn't resist decoration my blog! :)

    Bekah, I hope you enjoy Lark Rise to Candleford. Do you have a favorite character so far?

  6. I love your new Christmas design! I LOVE Lark Rise to Candleford, but I was so sad when I found out that there are only four seasons. :( I have been listening to Christmas music for about a month now. :)

  7. Beautiful new header design, Laurie! I love this show - it is so wonderful. Like Emily said though, it was sad to see it end! One of these days I should post my S1 review; one of my fav episodes is the Christmas one. =)

    Great design. =)


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