
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Period Drama Heroine Tournament?

Yes, you read correctly! Starting March 1 Elegance of Fashion blog will be hosting a Period Drama Heroine Tournament! There will be five rounds and voting for the heroine of literature and film who is our favorite! This makes me so excited, I can't wait!

If you haven't heard about Elegance of Fashion go check it out. This is one of my favorite blogs which features period film reviews, old-fashioned literature, and period costumes including a new series on Wardrobes from Pride and Prejudice. I can't recommend her blog enough! Go see for yourself and spread the word about the Period Drama Heroine Tournament!

In other news I've created a separate page where some of my banners are displayed. I tried to divide them into categories. To check them out, feel free to use them and link back to me. Enjoy!

Hope you're having a lovely day!

Very Truly Your's,


  1. Thanks for posting about my blog! I just looked at the banners page; I love the funny ones! :-)

  2. You're welcome, I really enjoy your blog and am so looking forward to the tournament!

    ~Miss Laurie


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