
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Birthday to Miss Bea!

Today is a very special day for a very special young lady! 
Today my sweet sister Miss Bea celebrates her 15th birthday!

I'm so blessed that Miss Bea is in my life. She is my best friend and we have so much fun together! I remember the day she was born I was so excited to have a baby sister. I almost can't believe it's been fifteen years since then. Miss Bea has grown up into such a sweet and talented young lady!

If you haven't checked out her blog yet head on over to Miss Bea's Scrapbook and wish her Happy Birthday!


Lots of Love,


  1. Elegance of Fashion, thanks so much for the birthday wishes for Miss Bea. And thanks for following her blog! She isn't able to post as often as she'd like but when she does she often posts a lot of her lovely photography! Thanks! :)

    ~Miss Laurie

  2. You're welcome! Her photography is very nice!


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