
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Worlds of Books

Two Girls Reading painted by Robert Reid
Reading a good book is delightful but when you're able to share a great story with your friends or family it's even more special. Being able to talk about the plots and characters we within the covers of our favorite books allows us to "live" in the worlds we discover.
I loved this painting, the touches are so down to earth yet exquisite at the same time.

Which worlds found in books are your favorites to visit?
Who do you love to discuss your favorite books with?

Hope you're having a great week!


  1. I love all the classics, the romance of the times the clothes everything I find very dreamy. My sisters and I love discussing the stories of old classics and reliving them. My older sister by two years is my best friend and we love to discuss every thing we read, also as a aspiring writer she's great to bounce Ideas off of.
    Rachel Hope.

  2. I usaully talk about my favorite books with my friends and sometimes my family.
    P.S.I love that painting!

  3. I love that painting!
    I like classics like Jane Austen and Christian fiction. I talk about books with my mom and older sister as we often read the same books. :) We also love comparing books to movie adaptions of them.


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