
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Tag Questions Answers

Since there's two sets of Charles Dickens tag questions circulating I decided to combine my answers into one post.

Old-Fashioned Charm

1. How were you first introduced to Charles Dickens?
Probably through A Christmas Carol, either seeing a film adaptation or I remember my mom reading a bit to us one year close to Christmas. Also through the musical Oliver! which I've watched several times through my growing-up years.

2. Which Charles Dickens novels and stories have you read? Which are your favorites?
I have read A Christmas Carol twice and I'm in the middle of reading A Tale of Two Cities. I've also read a few chapters of Bleak House and Nicholas Nickleby but mostly for research.

3. Which Charles Dickens novel(s) do you most want to read?
Great Expectations. I'm planning on reading that right after I finish A Tale of Two Cities. I also really want to read Little Dorrit now because I keep hearing how good the book is! :)

4. What are your favorite Charles Dickens quotes (up to three)?
"Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts." - Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

All of A Christmas Carol is very quotable (even Scrooge's "Bah Humbug" and "There's more of gravy than of grave about you.") but this is a favorite:
"But I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round -- apart from the veneration due to its sacred name and origin, if anything belonging to it can be apart from that -- as a good time: a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time: the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys. And therefore, uncle, though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that it has done me good, and will do me good; and I say, God bless it!" - Scrooge's nephew Fred, A Christmas Carol

And I recently found this one and rather liked it:
"Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts."

5. Which Charles Dickens film adaptations are in your top three favorites? (If you've never seen one which three film adaptations do you most want to see?)
I have seen lots but my favorites still are:
Little Dorrit (2009)
Bleak House (2005)
Our Mutual Friend (1998)

And I really want to see the new adaptation of Edwin Drood and the 1994 version of Hard Times.

6. Who are your Top 3 favorite Dickens heroines? and why?
Esther Summerson - Kind, sensible, very bright and stands up for herself and her friends.
Amy Dorrit - Very sweet and caring and loves her family very much.
Bella Wilfer - At the beginning she's a bit selfish but her true good, faithful nature comes out in the end.

7. Who are your Top 3 favorite Dickens heroes? and why?
Arthur Clennam - Honest, kindhearted, honorable, generous, selfless.
John Harmon - Sensible, loving, generous, true-hearted friend, brave.
Nicholas Nickleby - Kind, honorable, brave, stands up for others and defends his sister's honor.

8. Which three Dickens villains do you most love to hate?
Mr. Smallweed - He's slimy, rude and greedy but he always makes me laugh!
Mr. Tulkinghorn - Such a black-hearted villain but he tries to convince himself and everyone else that he's acting for honorable reasons.
Rigaud - A murderous villain with a truly black heart but he moves the story of Little Dorrit along and he occasionally says some ironic things.

9. Which Dickens characters (up to three) do you find the most funny?
Mr. Smallweed - Even though he's a villain his comments are so hilarious!
Flora Finching - Her expressions and silly blunders are a bit annoying but so funny!
Fanny Squeers - She's quite ridiculous but in the movie adaptations she always makes me laugh. :)

10. If you could authorize a new film adaptation of one of Dickens's novels, which would it be and why?
I think we need a new adaptation of  A Tale of Two Cities because there hasn't been one since the 1980's. It needs to be properly redone but it would probably be quite expensive because of the epic-ness of the tale!

11. If you could have lunch with Charles Dickens today, what question would you most like to ask him?
I'd ask him how he came up with such interesting names for his characters because I love how each name can sometimes be ridiculous but also fits each individual character perfectly!

12. Have you ever read a Dickens biography or watched a biographical film about him?
I have seen a couple of documentaries about him and a few re-enactments of his final readings.

1. How were you first introduced to Dickens?
See my answers above.

2. Which is your favorite Dickens novel?
Right now it would have to be A Christmas Carol but only because that's the only book I've read all of. But I'm liking A Tale of Two Cities and I'm prepared to love his other novels when I read them!

3. How many Dickens adaptations have you seen?
Loads! It's something like 27 adaptations but I might have forgotten one or two. A couple of older adaptations I've only seen bits of.

4. Which Dickens adaptation is your favorite?
Probably Little Dorrit (2009), I love it more and more each time I watch it!

5. Have you seen multiple versions of A Christmas Carol? Which version is your favorite?
Yes, I've seen four adaptations. My family favorite has always been Muppet Christmas Carol because it's fun but keeps the spirit of the book and most of the original story. I also really enjoy A Christmas Carol (1984) which I saw for the first time this past Christmas.

6. Who is your favorite Dickens hero and (if applicable) who does your favorite portrayal of him?
Arthur Clennam as portrayed by the amazing Matthew Macfadyen

7. Who is your favorite Dickens heroine and (if applicable) who does your favorite portrayal of her?
Amy Dorrit as portrayed so amazingly by Claire Foy

8. Who is your favorite Dickens villain and (if applicable) who does your favorite portrayal of them?
Mr. Smallweed as portrayed by

9. Have you seen any musical adaptations of any of Dickens’ stories? If so, which is your favorite song from it?
I've only seen A Christmas Carol: The Musical (2004) and Oliver! which is my favorite. My favorite song from Oliver! is probably "Consider Yourself" or "I'd Do Anything". It is a lovely musical and I love the old film version of it. I didn't know there were many musicals of Dickens stories but now I'll have to look out for more.

10. Do you have a favorite Dickens quote? If so, what is it?
See quotes above.


  1. Haha - Our favorite heroes/heroines are practically the same :)

    I love your signature!

  2. Unlike with Jane Austen things, your favorites are almost identical to mine! If I ever get around to answering the rest of these questions, that is... I'm hoping to before the end of the week! ;-)

  3. I see you want to watch the 1994 Hard Times. Well, I happen to own that movie and have ripped it for someone else who also wanted to watch it. If you want, I could send you the link to where I uploaded the file?

    But, be warned, it's a very strange adaptation. I think it was made very cheaply, because there are only a few sets where things take place and no outdoor scenes at all. I didn't like it at all, although there were a few interesting bits to the story. But I wonder very much if it gives a good impression of Dickens' work. (Won't know that until I've read it)

  4. Melody,
    That's funny that our answers are practically the same! :)

    That's very nice of you to offer. If the video is in a format that works with my computer I'd be very interested! Maybe you could e-mail me the link. My e-mail address is on the left sidebar. :)


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