
Thursday, March 8, 2012

For My Austen Lovers

Jane Austen - written and sung by Holly Christina

I've seen this a few different place but finally watched it yesterday and loved it! Here's a lovely song for every Jane Austen fan who dreams of going back in time to simpler days. 

"Dear Jane Austen, 
What's my problem?
Wished I lived in
The simple olden days.
Jane Austen, Jane Austen
I'd do anything to live in your time frame."
-Jane Austen chorus

There's some very pretty gowns and bonnets featured in the music video!

Enjoy! :)

Very Truly Your's,


  1. Cool!
    I had never heard of this song or artist.
    Thanks for sharing it!

  2. Hmm... not my type of music, but the words are amusing. ;) Although I wish the dresses would have been Regency... sigh.

    You have my permission to address me as Picky-Picky. ;)(Have you read the Ramona books?)

  3. Melody,
    Yes you are a bit picky-picky! haha
    I think my mom read some of the Ramona books to me a long time ago but I don't really remember much about them.
    But I was wishing her dress would have been true Regency too. She looked a bit more like she could step onto a Love Comes Softly movie set. :(

  4. Oh I love this! I am also sharing the video on my blog early next week.

  5. Long time reader, first time poster. I've really enjoyed your blog for sometime. As a historical costumer, I draw a lot of inspiration from the art, history, books, and movies you blog about.

    I'd like to award you The Versatile Blog Award! Display the badge on your blog by using the HTML code below. I have removed the first left vee < and you will need to add it back in when you use the code. Go to for the simple rules. Congratulations, Linda

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