
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Today I Am...{5}

Loving this photo! Red is one of my favorite colors because it's so cheery! 
Reviews and other posts for OFC, e-mails, also guest posts galore!
I've been delighted to guest post for a couple friends recently and am working on thoughts for another friend's posts.

Period Drama Fashion Week at Elegance of Fashion
Miss Elizabeth Bennet's Period Drama Fashion Week has begun! Head on over to Eleagance of Fashion to check out her many posts about the costumes and historic fashions in period dramas. You can read my guest post about Period Drama Costume Designers here. Also another guest post written with an indubitably delightful friend will be featured later this week.

Charity U is still away for the rest of the summer but her posts at Austenitis still continue strong and among them are two guest post reviews with two more to follow later this month. Check out my review of the Pride & Prejudice 2005 Soundtrack and the Emma 1996 Soundtrack.

Only A Novel by Miss Amy Dashwood! I simply couldn't resist ordering my own copy and have been enjoy it immensely this weekend! Her characters are very well drawn up and I've already made good friends with the heroine Elizabeth Markette and her entertaining friend Miss Lavinia Bancroft (a highly entertaining you lady!). The only trouble is that my sister Bea has started reading it now so it seems I'll have to sneak it away if I want to find out what will befall Elizabeth when she gets to England! :)

To Scottish Gaelic music from singer Julie Fowlis. I especially enjoy her vocal folk dance songs such as Bodaich Odhar Hoghaigearraidh and Hùg Air A' Bhonaid Mhòir.
I've also been listening to a lot of opera over the past week in particular the Maria Callas version of One Fine Day from Madame Butterfly (don't recommend the opera but this aria is gorgeous and sad) and enjoying her O Mio Babbino Caro too!.

The Scarlet Pimpernel 1934 (review coming soon!) and watched Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows with my family Sunday evening. Also been watching several things with my sister Bea including North & South 2004 (she's a huge Mr. Thornton fan! heehee), the current season of The Next Food Network Star (we love watching them cook, it's hard to decide who will win!) and various Hallmark movies on YouTube.

At dry grass, everywhere I look. It's been terribly dry here and reached into the 100s for temperatures this past week. But it did decide to rain on my siblings as they were coming back from a bike ride in our neighborhood. I've enjoyed walking when it's nice weather out because our neighborhood is quiet in the afternoon and everyone is very friendly. 

“Men are never duly touched and impressed with a conviction of their insignificance, until they have contrasted themselves with the majesty of God.” ― R.C. Sproul

On the 4th of July my family and I enjoyed going to the Creation Museum together for the first time and dad also showed us around the offices where he works. The displays are truly amazing, so many details and so much information! There's so much to see inside that my family and I didn't even venture outside to the gardens and petting zoo (plus it was very hot that day). The workers were caring, shows were spectacular, the exhibits incredible, the book store delightful and Noah's Cafe was scrumptious! I especially enjoyed the exhibits that walk you through the six days of creation, what the Garden of Eden might have been like, the fall of man, seeing a glimpse inside Noah's ark (can't wait till they finish the Ark Encounter, it's going to be amazing!) and the Dinosaur Den.  But the best thing was the Stargazer's Planetarium Show that showed space in it's vastness and remembering that as big as space is our God is even bigger than that - infinite in fact. Then thinking about how Earth is a mere speck in contrast to our galaxy and we are even smaller than that, and remembering that God loves us, sent His Son the Lord Jesus to take the punishment for our sinful wrong-doings and takes time to listen and answer our prayers. It's a very humbling thought process but put everything into it's proper perspective!

My family and I highly recommend the Creation Museum! And if you ever get a chance to visit don't hesitate to e-mail me, I'd love to meet up with any of my readers!

Here's us in our patriot gear (we got several compliments):

A bit under the weather this weekend. It's probably the late hours I've been keeping but I've had a bit of a sore throat, sinus congestion and stomach bug symptoms on Friday. I'm taking lots of vitamin C and naps when I need them and am feeling a bit better now.

The week ahead and unpacking more. The unpacking has been going a bit slow lately, but we got our kitchen set up finally this past week and that's a big help in preparing meals. My birthday is also coming up in exactly 15 days!

And praying, for a friend here in KY. It's been almost a month and I think we might have found a good church to go to. Now I'm praying for friends, special friends here we can get to know and spend some time with. 

Fresh peaches - so juicy and sweet! It's a lovely treat on a hot day. Also water, lots and lots of cold water and ice is just the ticket. And I'm so thankful for air conditioning! This Northern girl would quite melt in this heat if not for the AC we find everywhere! haha :)

How is your summer going?
Have you ever been to the Creation Museum? 
Do you like peaches? 
What have you been learning lately?


  1. We have a Creation Ministry in my home town of Pensacola, Fl. It it called Creation Today and it is wonderful. My husband is the GM of a Christian television station and Creation Today uses our facilities (Eric Hovind). I enjoy your blog and I want to encourage you to keep your 'light' shining on the web. There is great hope for your generation.

  2. Thanks for stopping by Beverly! Your comment was a real encouragement to me! May God bless you and your husband as you serve Him in your area!


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