
Thursday, September 13, 2012

I've been sadly neglectful...

Gardens at the Creation Museum
Sorry it's been awhile since I last posted anything very substantial. Last week my family had friends from Maine staying with us and there wasn't any time for blogging really and then when there was time I was sick with a cold. We had a great time with our friends, we spent two whole days exploring the Creation Museum inside and out! 

Bookcases in my room
Our friends stayed in my newly rearranged bedroom that doubles as our guest room. 
I also filmed the tour of my bookcases that I hope to post soon but am having a little trouble with publishing the things I've edited. My sister and I had way too much fun filming it! So many bloopers and loads of giggling! :)

My buddy Shawn loves napping on my bed, temping me to nap with him
And I've got a film review post in the works that I'm super excited about! The actors are amazing and I've been living and breathing on one particular clip. *fangirl squeal* Aww Hiddles!!!! *fangirl squeal* 
Yes, I'm pretty much crazy! Anyway...there should be a new film review on Friday!

What have you been up to lately?

Seen any good period dramas?


  1. Aww! Your kitty is very cute! :-)
    I'd love to hear more about the Creation Museum. I've been wanting to visit there since I first heard they were building it!
    And I can't wait to see your bookshelves video and read your movie review! :-)

  2. Your room looks cozy - love the cat in your bed. :D I watched three new [and rather important] movies for the first time recently: The Scarlet Pimpernel, Young Victoria, and Great Expectations. All three were delightful. Have a lovely day!

  3. Oooh, can't wait for the bookcase tour-- and the film review!! Hiddles, eh? Might you have watched Henry V? I'm studying that play later this school year, and I definitely want to see the movie. For scholarly reasons, of course. None other.


    I just finished re-watching Bleak House today. I looooooove that movie... forgot how good it was. :D

  4. Amy,
    Yep, you guessed it! My post of Henry V and the other three Shakespeare plays in The Hollow Crown series that aired this summer is up now. I really enjoyed Henry V, there's some very famous speeches and a scene where Henry woos Katharine of France toward the end that is so so sweet! Tom Hiddleston is perfect in the role too! I've seen the Kenneth Branagh & Emma Thompson version too but now don't like it as well and they seemed to have cut or changed some of the original dialog.
    I hope you enjoy studying the play! :)

  5. Your room turned out so well. I knew it could, you just needed the right arrangement and it all fell together. And if Shawn approves, who's to argue? ;-)

  6. Sorry I am very late in commenting. But I had to comment! :)

    My family and I were planning to go and visit the Creation Science Museum last month! But we had to cancel. Would it not have been really weird to see each other there? LOL!

    Anyway, God Bless,


  7. Abilaine,
    Oooh! Thanks for commenting!
    How exciting that you were going to come to the Creation Museum! That would have been so neat to meet up with you! If you ever do get a chance to go to the Creation Museum (and I highly recommend it!!!) then you'll have to let me know, it would be fun to meet for lunch or something! :)


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