
Monday, November 12, 2012

Today I Am...{8}

This sort of encompasses today, this past weekend and last week.

I've been doing research for my Margaret story recently. What is that you ask? Well, Margaret is a story set in early 1800's England that I've been writing off and on for several years now. I had about half of the story written in first person but the plot had several holes so I set it aside for quite a while. After reading Jane Austen's Lesley Castle recently (my review here)  I took up the story again with new inspiration and started doing Beautiful People (answering personality and story questions) with my characters. It has helped me a lot to get to know my characters better but I'm currently running into difficulties with a couple of the male character's education and occupations so I'm reading up on Regency and early Victorian history for those.

My sister and I just finished reading (re-reading for me) Love Comes Softly by Janette Oke aloud to each other. It is such a good read and I now have a craving to read the rest of the series but don't own them or have a church library at my disposal right now.
On my own (yes, I did just sing those words) I've also been reading Christmas At Pemberley by Regina Jeffers which is a Pride and Prejudice continuation. It's an interesting read for the stories of Georgiana Darcy, Kitty and Mary Bennet, Colonel Fitzwilliam, Anne de Bourgh and the Bingleys but I'm not really enjoying Lizzy and Darcy's part of the story as much as I'd hoped to. They've been married two years but let's just say "their passions have not cooled" so there's some bits I've been skipping over. :-/

I've been really into soundtracks and classical music recently, so peaceful and great for reading and writing.
For soundtracks I've been enjoying the BBC Merlin theme song and just found a piano cover that is really gorgeous. Also the BBC Sherlock theme song and other tracks like The Game Is On and Irene's Theme. I also found this YouTube channel that has lovely soundtracks such as Mirror, Mirror, all three LOTR soundtracks and a couple of fun animated ones as well.
For classical music I've been enjoying Chopin and Bach as played by the guy at Achtelnote on YouTube. I especially liked C.P.E. Bach Solfeggietto c minor and then found Drew Henderson's C.P.E. Bach - Solfeggietto on 8 string guitar. Now I've been watching classical guitar videos on YouTube too - when played right the sound is just beautiful!

Watched Sarah, Plain and Tall with my sister the other night. I forgot how much I love that movie! My family and I used to watch that and Skylark all the time - so many times that the sound of the actor's voices and the soundtrack music is embedded in my memory! heehee
I've also finished re-watching seasons 5 & 6 of Doctor Who (seriously Rory always makes me cry! liked Amy Pond better this time. I desperately need to see season 7 now!), Rosemary & Thyme (British detective show about two gardeners that have a knack for finding corpses and solving crimes, very mild, great guest stars and quite good), watching season 6 of Psych with my sister (tons of fun but the last episode is such a cliffhanger! can't wait to watch season 7!), and have watched the first two seasons of BBC Merlin (not bad, the actors and costumes are amazing, don't like it as much as BBC Robin Hood though). Throw in a few cooking / food shows for fun and you pretty much have what I've been watching for the past couple months. 

Rain, sunshine, rain, sunshine. That's what it's been doing today.
Inside as I type this I'm looking at two sleeping cats on my bed. They've both taken to sleeping in my room in the afternoons and early evenings. My sister and I enjoy reading to each other or watching things in the evenings (when we're not busy) and Shawn and Gunther always seem to find their way to the bed and steal our afghans on cold nights!

Well, I'm learning as I'm researching Regency England, so there's that. But in the past few weeks I've been learning a lot about various "Christian" religious groups and what they believe compared to what I personally believe. I've been reminded again how important it is to be like the Bereans (in Acts 17:11) who "received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so." And how important it is to not just take people's say so about a portion of scripture but to read it for myself to find out what God is really saying in His Word.

Special. At church yesterday I met a sweet older lady and when I went to shake her hand she told me "Oh, I'm giving everyone hugs today" so I went to hug her and she continued "and you're so pretty!" I know older ladies tend to say things like that often but it just made my morning to hear her call me "pretty". :)
I also had a disappointment yesterday and it's sort of carried over to today. Nothing life threatening but a bit hard to swallow nonetheless. :( 

Bible study on Tuesday night. For the past few weeks I've been able to meet with a group of young people (most of whom work at AiG or the Creation Museum) and get to know some people my age (no close friends yet just a few possibilities). We have such a great time singing hymns, studying God's Word (we're in 2 Corinthians right now), praying together and chatting.
I'm also really looking forward to Thanksgiving this year, there's just so much to be thankful for! :)
Also Christmas! My sister and I enjoyed browsing through the Christmas section at our local Walmart on Friday - it's so fun to see all the different decorations and wrappings!

For some energy. Supper is coming and I could use a little bit more steam to get me through the rest of the evening. 

This Fail-Proof Pizza Dough recipe I found on Pinterest and used for the first time last week! It's pretty much the same recipe I've been using except with honey instead of white sugar and different treatment of the dough that makes all the difference!  I made the Cheesy Garlic Bread Sticks to go with our dinner last Tuesday night and it was pretty much love at first bite! Definitely a keeper recipe and I highly recommend giving it a try! It is a bit time consuming but the finished product is so worth it, I promise! :)

and I'm adding one more category this time...

{excited about}
400 wonderful followers here at OFC! Thanks bunches!

So what has been special about your day (or weekend)?

Are you looking forward to Thanksgiving?

What have you been learning from God's Word lately?


  1. Oooh, Sarah, Plain and Tall! You have seen Winter's End, haven't you? You didn't mention that one and I think it may be my favorite of the trilogy. :)

    I was sorry to hear that you've had some sort of disappointment! Do email me about it if you like! Perhaps we could exchange prayer requests.

    I'm quite interested to know that you've been working on a story! How lovely! Do you have a blog somewhere where you posted the Beautiful People things? I would love to read a couple. :)

  2. I've heard some about Doctor Who - would you recommend it as a good show to watch? And would you recommend Christmas at Pemberly? I love Pride and Prejudice, so maybe I would like it too!

    Have a wonderful week!
    -mal :)

  3. I can't wait for Christmas, either! I've been going through the Christmas sections at my local stores, too. It's so pretty and so fun! :-D

    Yay! You're watching Merlin! Just for that, once I'm caught up on Doctor Who and Merlin, I'll give Robin Hood another try. ;-)

  4. Melody,
    Yes, I've seen Winter's End several times and that's good too, but to me not as good as the first two. I love the first one but Skylark might actually be my favorite because I love the waltzing, the aunts or "the unclaimed treasures" and all about their visit to Maine. I felt the third one strayed from the characters a bit and I didn't like the arguments with the father very much. :-/
    I haven't posted any of the Beautiful People that I've done so far but I've been meaning to - I want to revive my Rather Bookish blog. We'll talk soon! :)

    Well, as you seem to like The Avengers, Thor and BBC Robin Hood you might just like Doctor Who. I really enjoy it and know a few other girls here in the blogging world who do too. It's travel in time and space, aliens, adventure and lots of fun.
    I'm not sure I'd really recommend 'Christmas at Pemberley'. The writing style is okay but there are a few intimate scenes (or thoughts explained) between Darcy and Elizabeth as a married couple that are a bit too much for my taste. I do highly recommend 'Letter From Pemberley' by Jane Dawkins though (I've reviewed that here) - I don't usually like Jane Austen sequels but I love that one!

    Rhoswen (Rebekah),
    Aren't the Christmas displays fun? At our local Walmart they had huge lawn displays, tons of brightly colored fake trees, cinnamon scented pine cones and Christmas music which my sister and I were singing along to (a tad too loudly I think because we got some surprised looks!). :)
    Yes, I'm watching Merlin! I actually started on the third season tonight. I really like Gwen, she's probably my favorite character except for Merlin. Please do give Robin Hood another try! I still like the diversity of characters and storylines in that better than in Merlin, plus there's no magic.

  5. I have a friend who love pysch,so I might have to check it out when Once upon a time season 2 ends.
    I think all christians should do as the bereans did.
    I hope you have a blessed week!

  6. Next week I'm off to a family Thanksgiving reunion. Don't ask how-we get a lot of people into a tiny lakeside house. :)

    Then Advent starts on the 25th...

  7. This was so neat! Have a nice day!

  8. The weather is FINALLY turning cooler down here in south Texas. I'm truly enjoying that. :) My mom and I are going to try some new recipes for, should be interesting. ha ha

    I've been listening to several sermon series, however recently it has been about taming the, I need help in this area.

    I do hope that your days get brighter. Wishing you all the best.

  9. Could you post said pizza recipe? The one I use is really difficult. We tried a King Arthur Flour one but we'll run out of the main ingredient--pizza flour! (They make a special flour for pizza, how cool is that?)

    Also I'd like to pass on a challenge my honorary little sister (and fellow blogger) started. It's called the 100 Challenge. You make a blog post listing 100 things you are thankful for, before November 30.

    God bless!


I love to hear what my readers are thinking! Please do not use bad language when commenting as my blog is here to encourage readers, not to tear them down. Thanks! :)