
Friday, December 14, 2012

Jane Austen Birthday Assembly Tag Questions

Old-Fashioned Charm
Here are some fun Jane Austen Tag Questions for you to answer! If you answer the questions on your blog leave me the link in a comment, or if you don't have a blog feel free to leave your answers to the questions in a comment. At the end of this week I'll be posting a list of those who answered the tag questions. Looking forward to hearing your answers to these questions!

1. How did you meet Jane Austen?
2. In which order did you first become acquainted with and read Jane Austen's novels?
3. Rate Jane Austen's major novels from your most favorite to your least favorite and tell why.
4. Which Jane Austen hero/heroine couple is your favorite and why?
5. Which hero/heroine couple is your least favorite and why?
6. Have you read any of Jane Austen's Juvenilia works? Which ones?
7. If you could change the name of one of Jane Austen's characters who would it be and why?
8. Have you ever introduced someone to Jane Austen?
9. If a new film about her life was made, which actress would you want to play Jane Austen?
10. Pretend you're having a weekend party at your very own country house, which Austen characters (up to five) would you invite and why?
11. In your real life have you ever attended a Jane Austen themed event, party or ball? Or have you hosted one yourself?
12. Suppose you were given the opportunity to ask Jane Austen two questions: one in connection with her real life and one about her stories. What would they be?

Many thanks to Miss Elizabeth and Melody who helped by suggesting questions and changing others!

I'll post my answers to the Tag Questions later this week.

1 comment:

  1. I had to. :-)


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