
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Random Period Drama Screencap Game {2nd Edition} - Answers!

These are the answers to Random Period Drama Screencap Game {2nd Edition} from last week.
I've included details about what scene each screencap is from.
Good work on all of your guesses! 

 Period Drama Screencaps

Answer: Under The Greenwood Tree (1998)
Scene: Townspeople examining the shoe of their new school teacher.

Answer: Bleak House (2005)
Scene: Richard Carstone walks with Harold Skimpole.

Answer: David Copperfield (1999)
Scene: David sits with his first wife Dora.

Answer: Jane Eyre (2011)
Scene: Jane and Mr. Rochester find love at last.

Answer: Lark Rise to Candleford, Season One
Scene: Sir Timothy and Lady Adelaide Midwinter having tea at their country home.
Reader birdienl noticed that their house looks like the same country home used for Donwell Abbey in Emma (2009).

Answer: Much Ado About Nothing (1993)
Scene: Benedick's hilarious lawn chair!

Answer: Northanger Abbey (2007)
Scene: Catherine and Eleanor hurry into dinner their first evening at Northanger Abbey.

Answer: Nicholas Nickleby (2002)
Scene: Mr. Folair dances at Nicholas' wedding.

Answer: Pride & Prejudice (2005)
Scene: Lizzy and Mr. Wickham discuss his past history with Darcy.

Answer: Persuasion (2007)
Scene: Mary Musgrove coming up the stairs at Uppercross Cottage.

Answer: Return to Cranford
Scene: The Bell family journey to take tea with the Buxton family.

Answer: The Secret Garden (1993)
Scene: Mary Lennox wakes up at Misselthwaite Manor.

Answer: Sense & Sensibility (2008)
Scene: The Dashwood girls run down the road toward the approaching Edward Ferrars.

Answer: Downton Abbey, Season One
Scene: Lady Edith Crawley at the flower show. 

Answer: Wives & Daughters (1998)
Scene: Dr. Gibson watches Squire Hamley play in the garden with his grandson.

Players Scores

birdienl - 130 points
Issy - 120 points
Laura & Elisabeth - 120 points
Melody - 110 points
Petie - 110 points
Scullery Maid - 100 points
Miss Elizabeth Bennet - 90 points
Jessica from WI - 80 points
Kiri Liz - 80 points
Abby - 60 points
BatZion - 50 points
Julia - 50 points
Elisabeth Grace Foley - 40 points

Thanks for playing!


  1. Dear me... I need to watch more period dramas! :( My lack of PD knowledge is embarrassing....

  2. I JUST watched that scene in Much Ado About Nothing for school on Thursday! So funny :)
    -mal :)

  3. I tried to look up whether the house in the Lark Rise to Candleford cap was the same house as used in Emma (2009), but unfortunately I couldn't find it. I have learned however that the house used in Emma(2009) as Donwell Abbey is called Losely Park and is also used in Sense and Sensibility (2008) as Barton Park.

    He, maybe you could once do a post on houses often used in period dramas!

  4. Hey, I'd love it if you would do a post about Downton Abbey!!! (Maybe you have already and I just missed it.)


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