
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Screencaps Game: Have You Seen This? {Edition Two}

The First Edition of the twist on everyone's favorite Screencaps Game went really well so I'm doing another one. The screencaps come from period set films that aren't often talked about as much as some of our favorites, but these films are no less delightful! Don't forget to answer the question Have You Seen These? - I really want to hear which of these films you have seen and whether you enjoyed them as much as I do!

To Play: Look at the screencaps below and leave a comment guessing what period dramas they come from. For the Bonus on Screencap #11 also try to name the two actresses in the screencap. Don't forget to have some fun letting me know which of these period dramas you've seen. 

Helpful Hints: Each of these period film titles can be found on my Period Films page. Also, if you aren't sure about a period film but recognize an actor in the screencap feel free to search for possible answers on!

Scoring: 10 points will be awarded for each correctly guessed period drama. 5 points each will be awarded for correctly guessing the names of the actresses in Bonus Screencap #11. A high score of 120 points can be earned.

Period Drama Screencaps:

Screencap #1

Screencap #2

Screencap #3

Screencap #4

Screencap #5

Screencap #6

Screencap #7

Screencap #8

Screencap #9

Screencap #10

Screencap #11
Bonus Question: Name the two actresses in the screencap.

Which of these films have you seen?


  1. Let's see....

    #1 Absolutely no idea: so, needless to say, I haven't seen it! :)

    #2 The Old Curiosity Shop-- I've never seen this one, but I recognized the girl from the cover.

    #3 ?

    #4 Martin Chuzzlewit; and no, I've never seen this movie.

    #5 Cinderella (hehe). I've seen this version a few times, in the dear old dead days gone by :)

    #6 It looks like Little House on tha Prairie, but I don't recognize any of the characters. Bonanza? Gunsmoke? The Big Valley? Kung Fu? (Just kidding!)Enough nonsense;I don't think I've seen this one.

    #7 ?

    #8 HELLO DOLLY! Yes, I most certainly HAVE seen this one!

    #9 Mansfield Park-- nope, never seen it. It would be charming, though, to see Henry and Marianne Thornton as Fanny and Edmund!

    #10 A Little Princess-- yes, I've seen it. I never really liked this versin though-- I always preferred the other one (I can't recall what year it was) with Liesel Matthews, even though I know it's not entirely accurate to the book.

    #11 Daniel Deronda! I LOVE this miniseries! The actresses are Johdi May and..... Kate Maberly? I know she was in it, but I can't remember if she was a Meyrick girl or a Mallinger girl. Dear me.

    Excessively diverting, Miss Laurie! Thanks you!

  2. 1. The old BBC Northanger Abbey. You know I have it :-)
    2. I think is a version of The Old Curiosity Shop, but I can't be sire, as I haven't seen any version of that since I was a kid- but the set in the background looked about right.
    5. Rogers&Hammerstein's Cinderella. Specifically, the song What's The Matter With The Man. Now you're talking something I grew up watching and memorizing the songs to the point where I'm sick of it, now.
    7. I think is The Lost Prince, but I haven't seen it yet.
    8. Hello Dolly! Specifically Cornelius and Barnaby in the first verse of Put On Your Sunday Clothes. You know I have it. :-)
    9. Our favorite Fanny and Edmund. The old BBC Mansfield Park- which you, also, know I have.
    10. A Little Princess! Amelia Shankley and Nigel Havers version! I absolutely adore that version. It's the best! And you know I have it. ;-)

  3. #6 is from Five Mile Creek, one of my favorite TV shows of all time! I so wish they'd release seasons 2 and 3 on DVD... as it is, I have those seasons on VHS. Wonderful, heart-warming show.

    #8 is from Hello, Dolly!, one of my favorite musicals! I sing "Put on Your Sunday Clothes" a lot around the house.

    Those are the only two I know, but I dearly love them :-)

  4. Hmm... this one is definitely tougher than your last one. The only two I've seen is #5 which is Cinderella ("Why would a fella want a girl like her?") and #10 which is A Little Princess. But, if I was to guess a few, I'd say #2 is The Old Curiosity Shop; #9 looks like Jane Eyre? One of the actresses in #11 is Jodhi May.

  5. 1: Northanger Abbey 1986... and I've only seen a little bit
    2: The Old Curiosity Shop; yes, I've seen it
    3: Hmmmm... is this Jane of Lantern Hill? And I have seen that, once.
    4: Martin Chuzzlewit. And you know I've seen that. ;)
    5-6: Hmmm... I do not know.
    7: Is this one called The Lost Prince? And nope, haven't seen it... oh yeah! A period drama I haven't seen yet!! :D
    8: Hmmmm. Some musical. That looks familiar, but I don't know what it is exactly....
    9: Hee hee! Mansfield Park! And you know I've seen that. :)
    10: A Little Princess. And you better believe I've seen it. Like, a lot. ;)
    11: Daniel Deronda. And I've seen most of it. ;) Hmmm... one actress is Jodhi May, and I'm not sure who the other one is!

  6. Screencap 2 is Hard Times, right? Yes, I have seen it. I liked it ok, but not one of my favorite Dickens stories. Too sad, if I remember correctly.

    Screencap #3 is Jane of Lantern Hill. I have seen this several times, many years ago. I always love anything by LMM! :-)

    Screencap #4 is He knew He WAs Right, I believe? Or am I confused? ha If it is, I have seen it.

    Screencap#6 is Five Mile Creek. I have fond memories of watching this series many years ago with my family. :-)We found a couple DVDs at the library recently, and my 6 year old loved it!

    Screencap #9 is an older Jane Austen film, I can't remember which, but I have seen it long ago.

    Screencap #10 is A Little Princess, an old favorite in our family. Very good movie, and of course I loved the book, too.

    Not sure of Screencap #11. Perhaps Daniel Deronda? Hmmm...if it is, I did watch most scenes of that movie, skipping certain disturbing scenes. I can't say I really liked that movie.

  7. Emma Jane,
    Your guessed the correct period dramas for #2, #4, #5, #8, #9 (this is very good, hope you get to see it soon!), #10 and #11 were all correct. You also guessed both actress on #11 correctly. Your guess on #6 was incorrect.
    Your score is 80 points. Glad you enjoyed it!

    Rhoswen Faerie Wrose,
    You guessed the correct period dramas on #1, #2, #5, #7, #8, #9 and #10 were correct. Your score is 70 points. Good work!
    Enjoyed reading your comments, these are some fun films! :)

    You guessed the correct period dramas on #6 and #8. Your score is 20 points.
    So glad you know #6! My family watched it when we were young and still love it. Wish they would release all the seasons too! :)

    Kiri Liz,
    You guessed the correct period dramas on #2, #5, #10 and #11. You guessed one actress on #11. Your guess on #9 was incorrect.
    Your score is 45 points. Thanks for playing!

    You guessed the correct period dramas on #1, #2, #3 (yay!), #4, #7, #9, #10 and #11. You also guessed one correct actress on #11. Your score is 85 points!
    You were on the right track with #8.

    You guessed the correct period dramas on #3 (it's so good!), #6 (yay! someone who knows what this is! aww, glad he liked it!), #10 and #11. Your guesses on #2 (though it is a sad story) and #4 were incorrect. And you were close on #9.
    Your score is 40 points. Glad to have you play, hope you and your family are doing well! :)

  8. ah! This is a hard one...but I'll try anyway :)
    1 is Northanger Abbey (the old 80s one)
    2 is The Old Curiosity Shop (we just got this from the library, but haven't watched it yet!)
    8 is Hello Dolly!
    Is 9 the old Mansfield park? I'm not sure...
    I recognize the actress on the right in picture 11 to be Mrs. Weston in Emma, but I don't know her name! :(

  9. Ooh, sorry. That guy looked like a Mr. Rochester, so I naturally put him in Jane Eyre. Isn't #9 Mansfield Park? The old one. I haven't seen that one.

  10. 1. Northanger Abbey '86
    I've seen it, I guess, but I sort of banned it from my mind, I thought it quite afwul...
    2. The Old Curiosity Shop
    Haven't seen it yet, but it's high on my to-watched list!
    3. Nope, don't know...
    4. Martin Chuzzlewit
    Have seen it, I quite liked it, but the small storylines more than the main one
    5. Nope, don't know...
    6. Nope, don't know...
    7. The Lost Prince
    Haven't seen it yet
    8. Nope, don't know...
    9. Mansfield Park '81
    I tried watching it once, but gave up after a while, the old style bugged me and it was sooo slow. But I might try again, it was quite some years ago already
    10. Nope, don't know
    11. Daniel Deronda
    Yes, I've seen this and I love it! I also read the book, which was very good.

    Actresses: Johdi May and ?

  11. #2. The Old Curiosity Shop, I think....
    #11. Daniel Deronda. The actresses are Kate Maberly and Jodhi May.

  12. Wow. The only one I know is #4, Martin Chuzzlewit. Curious to see what the others turn out to be!

  13. Hayden,
    Your guess on screencaps 1, 2, 8 and 9 were correct. Your score is 40 points. Thanks for playing!

    Kiri Liz,
    Your guess on #9 was correct, your updated score is 55 points.

    Your guesses on screencaps 1, 2, 4, 7, 9 and 11 were correct. You also guessed one of the actresses correctly on #11. Your score is 55 points. Thanks for playing! :)

    Mary Beth,
    Your guess on screencaps #2 and #11 were correct as were your guesses on both actresses names. Your score is 30 points.

    Elisabeth Grace Foley,
    Your guess on screencap #4 was correct. Your score is 10 points. Thanks for checking out the game, the answers will be up soon!


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