
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Jane Austen Crossword Clues - W

Are there any crossword fans out there? Well the idea of this game is a Jane Austen trivia quiz where the questions sound rather like crossword clues. To make it interesting and a bit easier all of the answers are one word and start with the letter W!

 To Play: Read the clues below and guess the answers. All answers start with the letter W. Leave your guesses in a comment and I'll respond with your score. You may only guess once for each question so think hard about your answers before you respond! Answers to this game will be posted next Saturday.

Scoring: 10 points for each correct W answers. Highest possible score is 150 points!

Jane Austen Crossword Clues:

1. Lieutenant _______ Price - Fanny Price's brother.

2. Sir ______ Elliot - Anne Elliot's father.

3. Captain Frederick ________ - Naval hero.

4. Colonel ______ - Mr. Elliot's gossipy friend.

5. Mr. ______ -  Gentleman Miss Taylor marries.

6. Surname of Emma and her father.

7. John __________ - Villain of Sense and Sensibility.

8. George _______ - Villain of Pride and Prejudice.

9. The _______ - name of unfinished Austen work.

10. Village where Charles Hayter lives.

11. Finish the quote: "Pictures of perfection make me sick and ______."  

12. Finish the quote: "I never heard of such a thing. Dancing with open ______!"

13. Henry Tilney's parsonage.

14. Catherine Morland's home county.

15. Eliza ________ - Colonel Brandon's unfortunate sister-in-law.

Looking forward to seeing your answers! :)


  1. Heehee, our Jane did like her W's! :)

    1. William
    2. Walter
    3. Wentworth
    4. ?
    5. Weston
    6. Woodhouse
    7. Willoughby
    8. Wickham
    9. Watsons
    10. Uhhh... haha. Haven't read Persuasion for a while.
    11. wicked
    12. Maybe "windows"?
    13. I always get confused on this one... I have a guess but I'll wait till later to do it so I can think about it longer.
    14. Ha... maybe it will come to me?
    15. Why cannot I think of this??? Hopefully I'll get it later...

    Fun game! :D

  2. Ooh, clever! :)

    #1 William
    #2 Walter
    #3 Wentworth
    #4 ?
    #5 Weston
    #6 Woodhouse
    #7 Willoughby
    #8 Wickham
    #9 Watsons
    #10 ?
    #11 ?
    #12 Windows, maybe?
    #13 ?
    #14 ?
    #15 ?

    That was fun!

    ~Emma Jane

  3. 1. William
    2. Walter
    3. Wentworth

    5. Weston
    6. Woodhouse

    8. Wickham
    9. Watsons

    That's all I know, I'm afraid. I do love crossword puzzles, though!

  4. 1. William
    2. Walter
    3. Wentworth
    5. Weston
    6. Woodhouse
    7. Willoughby
    8. Wickham
    9. Watsons
    12. windows
    15. Williams

  5. 1. William

    2. William

    3. Wentworth

    5. Weston

    6. Woodhouse

    7. Willoughby

    8. Wickham

    9. Watsons

    12. Windows

    Those are all I can think of off the top of my head!

  6. My mom and I put our heads together for this one. :)


    I don't remember Mr. Elliot having a gossipy you mean the elder Mr. Elliot or the cousin?

  7. 1. William
    2. Walter
    3. Wentworth
    4. ?
    5. ?
    6. Woodhouse
    7. Willoughby
    8. Wickham
    9. Watsons
    10. ?
    11. weary
    12. windows
    13. Woodston
    14. ?
    15. Williams

  8. 1. William
    2. William
    3. Wentworth
    5. Weston
    6. Woodhouse
    7. Willoughby
    8. Wickham
    9. Watsons
    10. Winthrop
    12. Windows
    13. Woodston
    15. Williams

  9. 1. William
    2. Walter
    3. Wentworth
    5. Weston
    6. Woodhouse
    7. Willoughby
    8. Wickham
    9. Watsons
    11. wicked
    12. windows
    15. Williams

    That was fun. :) I'm looking forward to seeing the answers to the ones I couldn't answer. :) Thanks for a fun game! :)

  10. Melody,
    Your guesses on questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 were correct. Your score is 100 points.
    If you have guesses for 4, 10, 13, 14 and 15 feel free to comment again!

    Emma Jane,
    Your guesses on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 12 were correct. Your score is 90 points.
    If you have guesses for 4, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 15 feel free to comment again!

    Your guesses on questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9 were correct. Your score is 70 points. Thanks for playing!

    Livia Rachelle,
    Your guesses on questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 and 15 were correct. Your score is 100 points!

    Kiri Liz,
    Your guesses on 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 were correct. Your guess on 2 was incorrect (it was the same as 1). Your score is 80 points.
    If you have other guesses feel free to comment again! :)

    Your guesses on 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 were correct. Your guesses on 10 and 11 were incorrect. Your score is 90 points. Good job ladies!
    It's the cousin Mr. Elliot (not baronet Sir ___ Elliot) who has the gossipy friend. Feel free to comment again if you have other guesses on the unanswered clues! :)

    Your guesses on 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 (yay!) and 15 were correct. Your guess on 11 was incorrect. You score is 100 points! Good job!

    Scullery Maid,
    Your guesses on 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 and 15 were correct! Your guess on 2 was incorrect (it was the same as 1). Your score is 110 points! Good job! :)

    Your guesses on 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 15 were correct. Your score is 110 points. Great work!!
    Next time you comment could you leave a name (a pen name even) so I can distinguish you from other anonymous posters? Thanks!

  11. 13. Is it Woodston?
    14. I still can't think of this one. :(
    15. Williams?

  12. 1 Will?
    2 William
    3 Wentworth
    5 Weston
    6 Woodhouse
    7 Willoughby
    8 Wickham
    9 Watsons?
    12 windows
    14 Wales?

  13. Melody,
    Your guesses on 13 and 15 were correct. Your updated score is 120 points.

    Sarah Jane,
    Your guesses on 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 were correct. Your guesses on 1, 2 and 14 were incorrect. Your score is 70 points.

    Thanks for playing everyone!


I love to hear what my readers are thinking! Please do not use bad language when commenting as my blog is here to encourage readers, not to tear them down. Thanks! :)