
Friday, May 30, 2014

A Little Life Update

This is Miss Laurie checking in for a little life update. It has been quite an age since I've let y'all in on what I'm up to and I also thought you might enjoy seeing some photos.

We had quite a long and hard winter in central New York where I've been taking care of my great-grandmother. But it has been a special time filled with learning new things and enjoying extended family who I've nearly always lived away from. It has not always been an easy job, but I have grown closer to the Lord through the hard times. 

This summer I am home in Kentucky visiting my family and back working at the museum for three months. It's a nice break and a chance to get some appointments taken care of and rejuvenate physically and spiritually before going back to care for Gram and her Kittercat in the autumn.

Ain't she sweet? 
I'm definitely missing folks up north but I am greatly enjoying visiting folks down south! 

Not sure exactly what this all means for the frequency of my blog posts since I'm now working full time and have lots of activities with friends and at church but I'm hoping to get back to posting more regularly very soon. I also have some special things to let you know about hopefully next month. 

Hope y'all are doing well!


  1. I really enjoyed the pictures, Miss Laurie...thanks so much for sharing! And--whether or not you're able to post often--may you have a lovely and blessed summer! :-)

  2. Hi, Miss Laurie! I'm Emily. I've been following your blog for about two years now but don't comment often. I saw this post and freaked out when I saw you work at the Creation Museum in Kentucky! I visited the creation museum this past October in Kentucky and loved it!! I loved the show in the theater with the girl who was an atheist - that was awesome! Your cats are so cute! I love your blog. Keep blogging!

    Emily :)

  3. Thank you for this post, Miss Laurie! You are so pretty. I also simply adore that braid- is it made with four strands instead of three? I once tried to make one with four, but I thought it was very hard! It's beautiful on you!

  4. God bless you as you continue to serve Him. I hope you have a great summer at the Museum. It is one of my favorite places on earth.

  5. I hope you have a wonderful visit "south", and I giggle as I write this, living in Georgia. I know you miss Gram. Enjoy your time renewing your friendships, and go back in the autumn refreshed, with new stories to share. I love when you are able to post. You know your devoted readers understand life and work, and will look forward to when you will be able to post. Thank you so much for the pictures, and the updates. Have a wonderful summer. Many blessings to you and yours.

    Mrs. Elizabeth.

  6. Glad to hear you are going well!

  7. Thanks for the update!


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