
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Bucket List Tag

Evie at A Period Drama Fangirl tagged me in The Bucket List Tag that was originally created by Elizabethany at An Accomplished Young Lady. I thought this was fun, especially as it is my birthday today and I'm thinking of all the things I still want to do someday.

Tag Rules:

  • List 10 or more items from you bucket list.
  • Tag 5 other people.

I Tag:
and anyone else who would like to do this tag!

My Bucket List 
(well, some items from it!)

That means you my blogging buddy!

Visit Jane Auste's House in Chawton. I'd actually love to visit all the Jane Austen related places in England one day! Bath and Lyme Regis would be grand!

Other places non-Austen related, but mostly historic places.

Maybe have tea with the Queen?

Attend a concert or event in Royal Albert Hall

Visit Chatsworth. I watched a brilliant documentary on this amazing estate!

I've had several groups of friends do this and it looks stunning!

I've been up and down the east coast but not out west.

My friend and I always wanted to go together.

Particularly Les Miserables or The Phantom Of The Opera

Times Square was my favorite on my first trip to NYC. I have lots more I want to do when I go back some day!

Visit Lucy Maud Montgomery's house, I've heard it's brilliant.

Probably French or Spanish but I'm really interested in German and Welsh too!

Almost did once, they have ziplines at the museum I work at.

I'm not that adventurous really but this looks exhilarating!

Preferably a period drama so I could dress up! :)

Meet Tom Hiddleston and receive a Hiddles Hug. 

Meet my favorite actor, David Suchet, and thank him for his brilliant portrayal of Hercule Poirot!

Own and read every Agatha Christie book.

Own a Tea Shop to use my tea cup collection in.

Own and operate my own B&B!

Make my own Regency Dress.

Attend a Regency style ball. (And wear my Regency dress of course!)

Or two, or five!

Still haven't read it all the way through but I've tried a few times and have read the New Testament all the way through (except Revelation I think). 

Okay, now it is your turn!

How many of my items are on your Bucket List?


  1. Happy Birthday, dear Miss Laurie!

  2. I say, you and me- trip to the UK. We'll see everything, and hunt down Tom Hiddleston. ;-)
    The only question is, where do we get the money?

  3. Happy Birthday!!
    Most of these things are on my bucket list already, but I forgot about PEI!! Visiting that would be awesome!! I enjoyed seeing the things you wanted to do!!!

  4. I love your post (and the rest of your blog)!!!
    Happy Birthday!!!!! I hope you are having great one! :)
    By the way, we have the same one!

  5. Hey Miss Laurie
    Happy Birthday!!!!! Thanks ever so much for doing the tag :)
    I really enjoyed reading your bucket list, I now want to go to the Royal Albert hall too!
    ~Mrs Brandon (Evie)

  6. Happy belated birthday! Thanks for the tag -- my answering post is here.

    I've been to the Biltmore several times, and it's stupendous! Go in the spring when the gardens are magnificent.

    My list also includes visiting PEI :-)

  7. Happy birthday Miss Laurie!! Enjoyed your answers to this delightful tag. :)

  8. Extremely belated Happy Birthday, Miss Laurie!


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