I was very aware that it was coming, but somehow the first day of autumn just snuck up on me!
Autumn is my favorite season, I do so love the sights, sounds, smells and feeling of this season. In New England it is particularly lovely. Imagine the evenings getting shorter and cooler; the leaves changing to lovely shades of red, gold, orange and brown; the sound of leaves russling as you crunch through fallen leaves; the smell of apples, pumpkins, cranberries, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, hay and wood smoke. It is true that snowy cold winter follows close at autumn's heels and yet I don't care, it's such a lovely time of year!

I haven't gone apple picking yet but I have tasted the pickings of others, the Courtlands and early McIntosh. I had a yummy baked apple last night and have been enjoying other autumn treats, one of my favorites is pumpkin flavored ice cream from a local ice cream shop. I love pumpkin pie and this sweet cold treat tastes just like pie without the crust. I'm actually drinking apple cider flavored tea right now.

I have been quite remiss in telling about the newest pictures and interviews from Emma 2009. Two dear ladies (
Charleybrown) have lovely posts about the new photos which they found at
Shootastic, you have to register to view the photos but it is free.
There are also two interviews with cast members
Ramola Garai and
Michael Gambon which are interesting. Above is my favorite picture of our new Emma Woodhouse. We also get our first glimpse of Miss Bates!

Hope you enjoy these few bright ideas. May the Lord bless your day with His love.
