As part of Sense and Sensibility Week at Miss Georgiana Darcy blog there's a Fanfiction Contest which I was keen to enter. Since my favorite idea of a sequel is continuing the story through the eyes of Miss Margaret Dashwood I decided to write something along those lines. My sister Bea's suggestion was writing a letter from Margaret and since I didn't really have time for a short story this seemed the best and most interesting idea!
Without further ado, here is my fanfiction entry:
Margaret's London Season
by Miss Laurie
"...fortunately for Sir John and Mrs. Jennings, when Marianne was taken from them, Margaret had reached an age highly suitable for dancing, and not very ineligible for being supposed to have a lover." - Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility, Chapter 50
Berkeley Street, London, January.My Dear Marianne,Mama was quite surprised to find a letter from you upon our arrival in London. She is delayed in writing to you by errands with Mrs Jennings this morning. I had no notion of joining them so early in the day - but you know my distaste for finery. What a time we had at the Palmer's last night! We were introduced to ever so many people, most of them were political types like Mr Palmer. I was sat at dinner by great old bore who talked solely of pamphlets, parliament and the like. I almost fell asleep listening to him drone on, the lady across the table from me actually did! Mama was sat next to Mrs Palmer who chattered on at a great speed all the evening. After dinner there was dancing and I had a young bore by way of a partner. He hardly spoke for the first half of the dance until I asked him questions and then he talked only only of politics ever after! I wish then that I had not spoken to him at all! My next partners were a succession of lively dancers who were wholly uninteresting, speaking on such subjects as shooting and racing! The next to the last spoke only of his own sweetheart whose uncle seems determined to separate them! It was only in the last dance of the evening that I had a partner worth listening to. Mrs Palmer introduced us to a Mr Tobias Palmer, a cousin of her husband's. He was a very lively dancer and we had much agreeable conversation together. I was wary of being bored at first because Mrs Palmer told us he is at present studying law. But he at least had more to speak of than pamphlets and parliament! He seems to have been abroad, for when I asked if he had traveled greatly he spoke of places in France and Italy with familiarity. How I long to see some of those places! And Marianne, he reads poetry! We talked for a time after the dance, but he seems not to like Byron so well as we do. I am still not convinced that he is completely handsome, but I did admit to Mama that he is very near it.

Since I wrote the above entry I have had visitors. John and Fanny came bringing nephew Harry. Although I am his aunt by blood I wish I were not for he is extremely ill-tempered, even more than he used! It is my own private opinion that young Harry will turn out to be just such a great coxcomb as his uncle Robert Ferrars. It seems Fanny is preparing him for that role. They talk already of sending him to some great school. I was very glad when Mama and Mrs Jennings came back from the shops to interrupt Fanny's nonsense.
This evening we are to go to the Middleton's for dinner and cards. Mrs Jennings particularly hinted that young Mr Palmer is to be there. I am determined not to allow her to plauge me with teasing or fix a match between us until I have decided for myself the degree of Mr Tobias Palmer's charms. His knowledge of geography, music, horses and plants must be tested first!I must leave off for we are to call on Mrs Palmer. Give my love to Elinor, Edward and little Neddy as well as your own dear Colonel. Mama has told me your news dear sister and I wish you great joy at the bundle of blessing to come! Mama sends her love and you are to expect a letter from her soon.
Your devoted sister,Margaret Dashwood
Very Truly Your's,
That's so wonderful! I've always liked Margaret, and it's a pity we hear so little of her. You did an excellent job getting Margaret's character both from the book and the film adaptations.
Margaret is so much fun! Like your dear sister ;) She needs a trip to Abyssinia by ship and a short career writing droll poetry on the backs of note cards. Oh, and she needs to learn how to spell coxcomb!
Oh, I knew I forgot something! "Coxcomb"! :)
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