Beautiful actress Keeley Hawes has starred as the heroine of several period dramas throughout the years of her career. Her talent and grace are a delightful addition to any literary adaptation.
As the secretive Rachel Verinder in Wilkie Collins' mysterious The Moonstone (1997)
. She co-starred with actor Greg Wise of Sense & Sensibility (1995)
and Cranford
As sweet Lizzie Hexam in Charles Dickens' Our Mutual Friend (1998). Her portrayal of a lowly born young lady courted by two gentlemen is very compelling. This miniseries stars a great cast of period drama actors including her suitors David Morrissey and Paul McGann.
As feisty aristocratic Charlotte Ellison in Anne Perry's Victorian mystery The Carter Street Hangman (1998). Miss Ellison is wrapped up in the murders of several young women and helps Scotland Yard inspector Thomas Pitt (portrayed by Eoin McCarthy) with several clues before becoming the focus of the murderer.
As beautiful Cynthia Kirkpatrick in Elizabeth Gaskell's Wives & Daughters (1999)
. As the story starts out similar to the Cinderella fairy tale I expected her character to be the evil step-sister but instead found her charming and kind. This miniseries stars several period drama actors including lovely Justine Waddell.
As mysterious Philippa Haymes in Agatha Christie's Miss Marple: A Murder Is Announced (2005). Here she stars beside Geraldine McEwan as Miss Marple.
As talented school teacher Fancy Day in Thomas Hardy's Under The Greenwood Tree (2005)
. I really enjoyed her version of the character and the romance between her character and Dick Dewey (played by handsome Jame Murray).
As socialite Lady Agnes Holland in Upstairs Downstairs (2010)
. It was nice to see Keeley doing a period drama role again and I really enjoy her interactions with period drama great Eileen Atkins as well as her other co-stars and a monkey!
I've always been struck by Keeley's likeness to young actress Keira Knightley. Not only their looks (particularly their jaw lines) but their voices, mannerisms and way of delivering lines seem similar to me. This co-insidance seem even odder in light of the fact that Keira played alongside Matthew Macfadyen in Pride & Prejudice (2005).
Keeley is married to period drama actor, Matthew Macfadyen and they have three children. I think they make a charming couple and would love to see them acting together.
Stunning talent and beauty. I look forward to seeing what roles she takes on next!
Do you have a favorite role of Ms. Hawes?
How many of these films have you seen?
Very Truly Your's.

Miss Laurie, how lovely your personal blog is! Forgive me my dear friend for not realising it sooner. I've attached a link to this wonderful blog from the Becoming Jane blog. I hope you don't mind.
And my, I love your pink Victorian dress you wore in the pix above your contact detail. Where did you have it made?
Thank you so much for your lovely comment! I'd be very honored if you link to me on Becoming Jane as I really enjoy that blog.
Sorry to disappoint but the photo you're referring to is from the period drama Under The Greenwood Tree and not a picture of me. I hope you come back and visit often!
~Miss Laurie
Keeley Hawes and Matthew MacFadyen have acted together in the spy series Spooks
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