All the packing I've been doing lately reminded me of Jane and Elizabeth's packing scene in Pride & Prejudice '05. Things have been packed and unpacked all day, trying to fit everything I need for ten days into as few bags as possible. What a puzzle!
So I'm off tomorrow to Christian Youth In Action (CYIA) training school. I will be gone for ten days and am not taking my computer with me! So you won't hear from me for a while.
- Main purpose is to learn how to effectively witness to children (and adults) using the Wordless Book method.
- Secondary purpose is to learn how to prepare and teach Bible lessons for children (to be used in Bible clubs, VBSs, and camp).
Other delights found at CYIA:
- Christian fellowship with over 150 other young people and over 50 dedicated Christian leaders.
- Wonderful Bible preaching in chapel twice a day (in addition to other classes)
- Scripture memorization
- Singing the Lord's praises with fellow believers
- Wearing skirt/dresses each day to classes
- Participating in street evangelism on Sunday June 28th - your prayers are coveted at we go out witnessing!
- Teaching and interacting with kids in a four day Bible club June 29th-July 1st - prayers also appreciated!
- Concert on Thursday night (July 1st), the joy of hearing good Christian music
- Time for campfires and testimonies of God's faithfulness
- Fun filled afternoons (CYIA is held at a Bible camp so we can enjoy swimming, hiking, kayaking, sports, camp store and snack shack and the other camp amenities)
- Banquet and graduation service on the last day of CYIA
I will miss blogging and reading all of my friend's blogs but I will be back soon with many stories to tell!
I would ask for your prayers for me and the other young people as we study and learn that God would bless our efforts and that we would have great spiritual growth. Also as we go out witnessing and teaching in Bible clubs that many would come to a saving knowledge of Christ. I'm so excited to see what God is going to do!
Talk to you all when I get back!
Miss Laurie :)