"When that I was and a little tiny boy,
With hey, ho, the wind and the rain,
A foolish thing was but a toy,
For the rain it raineth every day."
- Act 5, Scene 1

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em."
- Act 2, Scene 5
Twelfth Night - Shakespearian Home-schoolers
In our area there is group of Christian home-schoolers that perform a Shakespeare play each year. My family and I really enjoyed their work and clever staging. They all did a fantastic job acting and even the younger kids only messed up a few times on their lines. I only wish I'd know about this group when I was still in school. I love to see home-schoolers of all ages having fun and working together like this!
"If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction."- Act 3, Scene 4
Twelfth Night - Theater At Monmouth
Soon after seeing the home-schoolers do this great play my family took me to see Twelfth Night preformed by a local acting troupe for my birthday! The Theater At Monmouth performs a wide variety of wonderful plays and musicals each year at historic Cumston Hall in Monmouth, Maine. After seeing them perform A Winter's Tale my family and I were so excited to see them perform again. They set this play as if Feste were the director of a black & white looking over a film reel. It was an interesting concept but I'm not sure it worked very well. But the acting was fabulous! There were some familiar faces from the first play we'd see, the costumes and settings were lovely and they added music selections that fit in very well. My family and I sat towards the front right of the theater and we had a great view. I just love watching live plays and especially Shakespeare. I only wish I had the money to go see all of their performances every season at Cumston Hall. They are so good!