Thank you all for joining me for my Irish Week. Now that St. Patrick's Day is over I think it's time for a blog news post and some Spring cleaning.
Welcome Spring! I'm so glad the days are getting warmer and longer here and our snow is almost all melted away (well it was here until a storm today)! Now it's time for mud and the early plants to spring out of the ground. Yay!
Spring Header: My blog has a new header, background and side bar images that all reflect Spring. Images are from the delightful period drama Under the Greenwood Tree. If you're interested in this drama check out my review here!
Blog Features: I've added new things to the About Me page, rearranged the My Favorite Blogs page, simplified the Blog Buttons and Banners pages. The main blog page has been rearranged a bit too. Labels are listed at the very bottom of the page, I've added the Google search option so you can search for anything on my blog and it works very well! Also I've tried to simplify the art and quotes in my sidebar so it's not as long.
Questions for my Readers: Your answers to these questions will help me make Old-Fashioned Charm easier to use and more reader friendly for all of you.
- Does the blog and blog images load easily for you?
- Are you able to easily maneuver through pages and find blog posts easily?
- Do you find it easy to contact me with questions or comments via post comments or e-mail?
- Would you still follow me if I added related advertisements to my blog?
- Are there any period films you would like me to review?
Thanks to all my lovely readers for your support and encouragement as I continue to blog about all thing old-fashioned!
Very Truly Your's,
Very Truly Your's,
Does the blog and blog images load easily for you? YES
Are you able to easily maneuver through pages and find blog posts easily? YES
Do you find it easy to contact me with questions or comments via post comments or e-mail? YES
Would you still follow me if I added related advertisements to my blog? ABSOLUTELY
Are there any period films you would like me to review? CAN'T THINK OF ANY AT THE MOMENT
I love your blog!
Does the blog and blog images load easily for you? Yes.
Are you able to easily maneuver through pages and find blog posts easily? Yes
Do you find it easy to contact me with questions or comments via post comments or e-mail? Yes.
Would you still follow me if I added related advertisements to my blog? Yes.
Are there any period films you would like me to review? None that I can think of at the moment.
Thank you for your blog! It's lovely!
Yes, yes, yes, yes, and maybe. haha ;-)
I love your blog!
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes, of course
5. Not that I can think of just now :)
Your blog is absolutely beautiful, I have only just started following you but I already love what I see! I love the spring related images and set up, it’s gorgeous!
Welcome to my blog! Thanks so much for your sweet comments! I hope you enjoy your time here and come back often!
~Miss Laurie
Old-Fashioned Charm
Thank you for adding the button for the Period Drama Heroine Tournament. :-)
Am not going to leave your blog so soon... :) It is just awesome....
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