Saturday, January 9, 2016

Period Drama Dress Quiz {January 9th}

We haven't done a dress game in quite awhile so I thought this might be fun. Here's some ladies from period dramas wearing their lovely dress. Can you guess them all?

To Play: Look at the 12 dresses below and leave a comment guessing which period drama each dress is from and the name of the character is wearing the dress. You may guess as many times as you'd like and I'll respond with your score. Answers will be posted next weekend. 

Scoring: One point for each correctly guessed period drama and character. Highest possible score is 24 points.

Period Drama Dresses:

Dress #1

Dress #2

Dress #3

Dress #4

Dress #5

Dress #6

Dress #7

Dress #8

Dress #9

Dress #10

Dress #11

Dress #12


Have fun!


Issy said...

1. Have racked my brain, but I have absolutely no idea! :)
2. Emma 09 - Emma Woodhouse
3. Becoming Jane - Jane Austen
4. Jane Eyre 2011 - Jane Eyre
5. Little Women - Jo March
6. North and South - Margaret Hale
7. Anne of Green Gables - Anne Shirley
8. Bleak House - Lady Deadlock
9. The Scarlet Pimpernel - Marguerite
10. The Importance of being Earnest - Gwendolyn
11. Downton Abbey - Lady Sybil
12. Wives and Daughters - Molly Gibson

Naomi Pitts said...

1. Lark Rise to Candleford / Margaret Brown
2. Emma 2009 / Emma
3. Becoming Jane / Jane Austen
4. Jane Eyre? / Jane Eyre
5. Little Women / Jo March
6. North and South / Margaret Hale
7. Anne of Green Gables / Anne Shirley
8. Bleak House / Mrs Deadlock or something like that???
9. The Scarlet Pimpernel / Marguerite Blakeny
10. The Importance of Being Earnest / Gwendoline
11. Downton Abbey / Sybil Crawley (that's not a dress, though. :-D)
12. Wives and Daughters / Molly Gibson

Thanks! <3

Miss Dashwood said...

1. Margaret (Ellison) Brown, Lark Rise to Candleford
2. Emma Woodhouse, Emma (2009)
3. Anne Hathaway, Becoming Jane (I know she's supposed to be playing a real historical character... but she is NOT that person... :P)
4. Jane Eyre, Jane Eyre (2011)
5. Jo March, Little Women
6. Margaret Hale, North and South
7. Anne Shirley, Anne of Green Gables
8. Lady Dedlock, Bleak House?
9. Marguerite St. Just, The Scarlet Pimpernel
10. Gwendolen Fairfax, THe Importance of Being Earnest
11. Sybil Crawley, Downton Abbey
12. Molly Gibson, Wives and Daughters

Melody said...

1 Lark Rise to Candleford, Margaret Elliot/Brown
2 Emma 2009, Emma Woodhouse
3 Becoming Jane, Jane
4. Jane Eyre, Jane Eyre
5. Little Women, Jo March?
6 North and South, Margaret Hale
7 Anne of Green Gables, Anne Shirley
8 Bleak House, Lady Dedlock
9 The Scarlet Pimpernel, Marguerite
10 ????
11 Downton Abbey, Sybil
12 Wives & Daughters, Molly Gibson :)

Kelly-Anne said...

Hello Miss Laurie...I only very recently discovered your lovely blog, and I must say...I am enjoying it very much as I happen to be a sincere lover of all things old fashioned too!

I would love to participate in your quiz...I sadly have not seen as many time period dramas as I would have liked to, but here are a few of my guesses!

Much love to you...and thank you for your hard work!

#1: Larkrise to Candleford, Mrs Brown
#2: Emma, Emma
#3: Becoming Jane, Jane Austen
#7: Anne of Green Gables, Anne Shirley
#11: Downton Abbey, Lady Sybil
#12: Wives and Daughters, Molly Gibson

Sadie said...

Oooh, what fun.:)

1- Bella Wilfur in Our Mutual Friend?
2- Emma in Emma.
3- Jane in Becoming Jane.
4- Something Dickens?
5- Jo in Little Women?
6- Don't know but what a gorgeous dress!
7- Anne in Anne of Green Gables.
8- Lady Dedlock in Bleak House.
9- Marguerite St Just in the Scarlet Pimpernel.
10- The Importance of Being Earnest.
11- Lady Sybil in Downton Abbey.
12- Molly Gibson in Wives and Daughters.

Miss Sneyd said...

2. Emma Wodehouse in 'Emma'
3. Jane Austen in 'Becoming Jane'
4. Jane Eyre in 'Jane Eyre'
5. Jo March in 'Little Women'
6. Margaret Hale in 'North and South'
7. Anne Shirley in 'Anne of Green Gables'
8. Lady Dedlock in 'Bleak House'
9. Marguerite St. John in 'The Scarlet Pimpernel'
10. Gwendolen Fairfax in 'The Importance of Being Earnest'
11. Sybil Crawley in 'Downton Abbey'
12. Molly Gibson in 'Wives and Daughters'

Katelyn said...

I can only guess a few, but here goes:
Dress #2: Sense and Sensibility; Eleanor Dashwood
Dress #3: Pride and Prejudice (2005); Lizzie Bennett
Dress #5: Little Women (199-); Jo March
Dress #6: North and South (BBC): Margaret Hale
Dress #7: Anne of Green Gables: Anne Shirley
Dress #9: The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982); Marguerite St.Just
Dress #11: Downtown Abbey; Lady Sybil

Cordy {Samantha Elisabeth} said...


1. Lark Rise to Candleford, Miss Ellison/Mrs. Margaret Brown
2. Emma, Emma Woodhouse
3. Becoming Jane, Jane Austen
4. Jane Eyre?
5. Little Women, Jo March
6. North and South, Margaret Hale
7. Anne of Green Gables, Anne Shirley
8. Bleak House, Lady Dedlock
9. The Scarlet Pimpernel, Marguerite St. Just
12. Wives and Daughters, Molly Gibson

Rae said...

I have seen a sadly few number of period dramas. I know for sure what two are and I have a guess as to one:
#2 is Emma from the 1995 version of Emma with Ramola Garai
#5--my guess is Little Women, probably Jo.
#7 is Anne from Anne of Green Gables produced by Kevin Sullivan.

Rae said...

Oh my goodness. I said the 1995 Emma in my comment. I meant 2009; I lose track because so many Jane Austen films are made in 1995. Oops. Sorry.

Faith said...

Sadly I couldn't guess all of them but here are the ones I think I know. I feel really certain about #11 at least!

Dress #2 Emma from Emma 2009
Dress #4 Jane Enyre in the latest Jane Eyre film
Dress #5 Jo March in the '90s Little Women with Winona Ryder
Dress #7 Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables
Dress #11 Sybil in Downton Abbey

Faith said...

So much pretty dresses! I don't know most of these but I think I recognize a few, so I'll give it a shot. :D

#2 Emma in Emma 2009.
#3 I'm guessing Jane Eyre in the latest Jane Eyre film
#4 Jo March in Little Women with Winona Ryder
#7 Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables
#11 Sybil in Downton Abbey

Unknown said...

1) Margaret from Lark Rise to Candleford
2) Emma from Emma
7) Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables
11) Lady Sybil Crawley from Downton Abbey
12)Hyacinth from Wives and Daughters??

That's all I can remember off of the top of my head right now. God Bless!

Anonymous said...

I did badly at this. I feel as if I should know dresses one and two. I think two is one of Molly's dresses from Wives and Daughters but I don't know for sure. And I know I've seen one, I just can't remember.

Miss Laurie of Old-Fashioned Charm said...

Your guesses on 2-12 were all correct. Your score is 22 points.

Naomi Bennet,
Your guesses on 1-12 were all correct. You have the high score of 24 points!

Miss Dashwood,
Your guesses on 1-12 were all correct. You have the high score of 24 points!

Your guesses on 1-9 and 11 and 12 were correct. Your score is 22 points.

Your guesses on 1, 2, 3, 7, 11 and 12 were correct. Your score is 12 points.

Your guesses on 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 and the period drama on 10 were correct. Your guesses on 1 and 4 were incorrect. Your score is 17 points.

Miss Sneyd,
Your guesses on 2-12 were correct. Your score is 22 points.

Your guesses on 5, 6, 7, 9 and 11 were correct. Your guesses on 2 and 3 were incorrect. Your score is 10 points.

Your guesses on 1, 2, 3, 4 (period drama), 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 were correct. Your score is 19 points.

Your guesses on 2, 5 and 7 were correct. Your score is 6 points.

Your guesses on 2, 4, 5, 7 and 11 were correct. Your score is 10 points.

Kimberly Grace Bowman,
Your guesses on 1, 2, 7, 11 and 12 (period drama) were correct. Your guess on the character for 12 was incorrect. Your score is 9 points.

Evy Cartyr,
Your guess on 2 was incorrect. Your score is 0 points but thanks for playing!

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