Edwardian Rose got the correct answer to the
quiz I posted a few days ago! Good job!
The connection between actors
Nicholas Farrell,
Lindsay Duncan and
James D'Arcy is that they have all been in a different adaptation of Jane Austen's
Mansfield Park! When I saw them all in
The Mystery of the Blue Train I was very surprised. It was quite delightful!
Nicholas Farrell play a delightfully studious and kind
Edmund Bertram in the
BBC's 1987 adaptation of
Masnfield Park. This is my favorite adaptation, the most faithful and I find it quite entertaining. If you've never seen it
I highly recommend it, especially if you're an Austen fan!
Lindsay Duncan played a saucy version of
Lady Bertram and doubled as
Mrs. Price in the
1999 interpretation of
Mansfield Park. I don't really care for this version because it takes so many liberties with Jane Austen and changes the characters so deliberately!
I don't recommend it but I do own a DVD copy (for my collection of Austen films) and I do love the soundtrack. My recommendation has always been to resist the temptation to watch and instead read the book while listening to the soundtrack! ;)

James D'Arcy rendered a handsome and somewhat tipsy
Tom Bertram in
ITV's 2007 adaptation of
Mansfield Park. I didn't expect much when I'd heard popular Billie Piper was cast as Fanny Price, and they did leave
a lot of the book out but it was a fun and interesting condensed take on
the book, worth a look. Many of the other characters were quite well cast.
Below are some banners I made from screencaps of the
Mansfield Park films. Also my favorite pic from the old BBC version.

What are your thoughts on Mansfield Park - book, films, music? Which is your favorite character in MP? Any favorite quotes?
Hope you have a great day!
God Bless,