Sunday, July 31, 2011

Jane Austen Week at Elegance of Fashion!

Jane Austen Week by Elegance of Fashion

Miss Elizabeth Bennet at Elegance of Fashion is having a Jane Austen Week August 7-13
To check it out click on the lovely Northanger Abbey button above!
I'm very excited to follow along and join in the fun! I hope you will too!

Only a few more days to vote in our Period Drama Film Tournament until the winner is announced!

Very Truly Your's,

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Happy Birthday to Beatrix Potter

Beatrix Potter by the back door of Hill Top, Summer 1913 
Helen Beatrix Potter 
Writer & Illustrator

Born: 28 July 1866 - Kensington, London, England
Died: 22 December 1943 (aged 77) - Near Sawrey, Cumbria, England

Happy Birthday dear Miss Potter! It's the 145th anniversary of her birth!
Beatrix Potter was a staple in my home growing up. We always had the books, videos of the books and audio versions of the books to listen to. When my younger sister was born she was given the middle name Beatrix (actually to honor my father's great-aunt Beatrice) her nursery was decorated with Peter Rabbit and his pals. I had great fun in browsing through our set of 12 Beatrix Potter books, my favorite is still The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle [Read Online].

"Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were - Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter. They lived with their Mother in a sand-bank, underneath the root of a very big fir-tree."
-The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter [Read Online]

The 23 Tales

Other books
Peter Rabbit's Painting Book (1911)
Tom Kitten's Painting Book (1917)
Jemima Puddle-Duck's Painting Book (1925)
Peter Rabbit's Almanac for 1929 (1928)
Sister Anne (illustrated by Katharine Sturges) (1932)
Wag-by-Wall (decorations by J. J. Lankes) (1944)
The Tale of the Faithful Dove (illustrated by Marie Angel) (1955, 1970)
The Sly Old Cat (written 1906; first published 1971)

Quotes & Photos of  Beatrix Potter

"Thank goodness I was never sent to school; it would have rubbed off some of the originality. " 
- Beatrix Potter

Beatrix at fifteen years with her springer spaniel, Spot
"I cannot rest, I must draw, however poor the result, and when I have a bad time come over me it is a stronger desire than ever." 
- Beatrix Potter, from her Journals

“There is something delicious about writing the first words of a story. You never quite know where they’ll take you.” 
- Beatrix Potter

"I hold an old-fashioned notion that a happy marriage is the crown of a woman's life." 
- Beatrix Potter [Journals 1894]

Beatrix in her early 70's as depicted in a painting done in 1938 by her friend Delmar Banner

"Believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave yourself and never mind the rest." 
- Beatrix Potter

"Most people, after one success, are so cringingly afraid of doing less well that they rub all the edge off their subsequent work." 
- Beatrix Potter

"I hate publicity, and I have contrived to survive to be an old woman without it, except in the homey atmosphere of Agricultural Shows." 
- Beatrix Potter [1939 interview]

"I hold that a strongly marked personality can influence descendants for generations." 
- Beatrix Potter

"This a Tale about a tail - a tail that belonged to a little red squirrel, and his name was Nutkin. He had a brother called Twinkleberry, and a great many cousins: they lived in a wood at the edge of a lake."
- The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin, Beatrix Potter [Read Online]

"But still through the nicks in the shutters he could hear the click of thimbles, and little mouse voices singing - 'No more twist! No more twist!'"
- The Tailor of Gloucester, Beatrix Potter

"She set off on a fine spring afternoon along the cart-road that leads over the hill. She was wearing a shawl and a poke bonnet." 
- The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck [Read Online]

'The Lady Mouse Curtseys' 1903
Beatrix Potter Related Links:

For more info on her life check out the wonderful biographical film Miss Potter!

Miss PotterMiss Potter (2006) 
Starring: Renée Zellweger, Ewan McGregor, Emily Watson

Synopsis: Thirty years old and single, Beatrix Potter lives in London with her social-climbing parents, who are exasperated that she has turned down any number of eligible young men. Her only real friends are the animals which since childhood she has lovingly drawn and made up stories about. She finally succeeds in selling a book of the stories, and it becomes Norman Warne's first project. He quickly falls in love with both the book and Beatrix and together they carefully arrange publication. This proves the first of many successes, offering her the possibility of escaping from both her parents' way of life and London.
Historical Era: Edwardian England, Beatrix Potter - Film Review at Of Trims and Frills and Furbelows, Ribbons of Light & But when a young lady is to be a heroine - Cast List at IMDb - Watch Official Trailer

Which of her books is your favorite? 
Do you have a favorite character?
Have you seen the Miss Potter film?

I hope you enjoy Beatrix Potter's life and work as much as I do!

Very Truly Your's,

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Period Drama Film Tournament - Final Round!

Welcome to the Final Round of our Period Drama Film Tournament presented by Old-Fashioned Charm Elegance of Fashion!

In this Final Round our two winners from last round will compete head to head for the title of "Most Beloved Period Drama"! The final poll will appear on both of our blogs and voters are encouraged to vote in both polls for their favorite contestant(s)! Feel free to use your two votes for the same contestant or one vote for each contestant. All votes will be combined and the period film with her most votes will win!

Double your vote by voting for your favorites on both blogs!

Final Poll: Pride and Prejudice (1995) vs. Sense and Sensibility (1995)

This tournament has been so much fun and has gone by too fast! Thanks to everyone who has voted and commented! 

Did you vote twice for the same contestant or one vote for each?
Which period drama do you hope will win?

Very Truly Your's,

Round Five Winners!

Round Five of our Period Drama Film Tournament has ended! 

Last round our final 4 contestants were randomly matched in 2 polls and now we have the results!

-Polls on Elegance of Fashion -
Winner in Poll 1 on Elegance of Fashion

Poll 1: Sense and Sensibility (1995) vs. Persuasion (1995)

-Polls on Old-Fashioned Charm -
Winner in Poll 2 on Old-Fashioned Charm

Poll 2: Pride & Prejudice (1995) vs. Anne of Green Gables (1985)

The two winners will move on to our Final Round which will be up soon! Thanks for voting!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Two Big Milestones!

Two big milestones reached today! 

Firstly, I am 24-years-old today! Happy Birthday to me! I'm celebrating with a quiet family party and trying to keep cool in the heat and humidity.

Then, Old-Fashioned Charm has officially reached 180 followers!

Many thanks to all of my blogging friends for your support and encouragement as I continue to blog about "Everything old-fashioned under the sun!" 

Hope you're having a lovely summer! More reviews and posts coming soon!

Very Truly Your's,

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Period Drama Film Tournament - Round Five

Welcome to Round Five of our Period Drama Film Tournament presented by Old-Fashioned Charm & Elegance of Fashion

This is the next to the last round so if you're just joining us visit the Main Tournament Page for info about this tournament. Much thanks to everyone who has linked to the tournament using one of the official banners!

This round we are down to the Final 4 contestants! The contestants were randomly matched up to be voted on in 2 Polls. Polls are split up between our two blogs so don't forget to vote in both of them.

-Polls on Elegance of Fashion -
Vote in Poll 1 on Elegance of Fashion

Poll 1: Sense and Sensibility (1995) vs. Persuasion (1995)

-Polls on Old-Fashioned Charm -
Vote in Poll 2 on Old-Fashioned Charm

Poll 2: Pride & Prejudice (1995) vs. Anne of Green Gables (1985)

This tournament has progressed so fast! Are you all as excited as we are to see the winners?

Who are you voting for?

Round Four Winners!

Round Four of our Period Drama Film Tournament has ended. In Round 4, 8 Film Contestants moved were randomly matched up in 4 polls

Here are the results:

-Polls on Elegance of Fashion -
Winners of Polls 1-2 voted on at Elegance of Fashion

Poll 1: The Young Victoria (2009) vs. Sense and Sensibility (1995)

Poll 2: Pride and Prejudice (1995) vs. Amazing Grace (2006)

-Polls on Old-Fashioned Charm -
Winners of Polls 3-4 voted on at Old-Fashioned Charm

Poll 3: Persuasion (1995) vs. Miss Potter (2006)

Poll 4: Anne of Green Gables (1985) vs. Sense and Sensibility (2008)

Tournament presented by Old-Fashioned Charm & Elegance of Fashion! Don't forget to visit the tournament main page, grab a tournament button and spread the news!

Thanks to everyone who voted in Round Four! 
Are you pleased with the results? Are there any of these contestants that you are sad to see go?

Round Five will be up very soon! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Period Drama Film Tournament - Round Four!

Welcome to Round Four of our Period Drama Film Tournament presented by Old-Fashioned Charm & Elegance of Fashion

If you're just joining us visit the Main Tournament Page for info about this tournament. A big thank you to everyone who has linked to the tournament using one of the official banners!

This round Sense and Sensibility (1995) joins the 7 contestants which won in Round 3. All 8 contestants were randomly matched up to be voted on in 4 Polls. Polls are split up between our two blogs.

-Polls on Elegance of Fashion -
Vote in Polls 1 & 2 on Elegance of Fashion

Poll 1: The Young Victoria (2009) vs. Sense and Sensibility (1995)

Poll 2: Pride and Prejudice (1995) vs. Amazing Grace (2006)

-Polls on Old-Fashioned Charm -
Vote in Polls 3 & 4 on Old-Fashioned Charm

Poll 3: Persuasion (1995) vs. Miss Potter (2006)

Poll 4: Anne of Green Gables (1985) vs. Sense and Sensibility (2008)

The contestant list has sure decreased over the last three weeks!

What do you think about the match-ups in this round? Who are you hoping might win?

You have one week to vote. Have fun! 

Round Three Winners!

Here are the results for Round Three of our Period Drama Film Tournament!

15 Film Contestants moved on to Round 3. Fourteen of these contestants were randomly matched up in 7 polls.  

Sense & Sensibility (1995) had immunity this round, but will be competing in the next round.

Tournament presented by Old-Fashioned Charm & Elegance of Fashion! Don't forget to visit the tournament main page, grab a tournament button and spread the news!

-Polls on Elegance of Fashion -
Winners of Polls 1-4 voted on at Elegance of Fashion

Poll 1: Jane Eyre 2006 vs. Amazing Grace (2006) 

Poll 2: Persuasion (1995) vs. The Importance of Being Earnest (2002) 

Poll 3: Pride & Prejudice (1995) vs. North and South (2005) 

Poll 4: Sense and Sensibility (2008) vs. Jane Eyre (1983)

-Polls on Old-Fashioned Charm -
Vote in Polls 5-7 on Old-Fashioned Charm

Poll 5: Miss Potter (2006) vs. Nicholas Nickleby (2002)

Poll 6: The Young Victoria (2009) vs. Persuasion 2007

Poll 7: Little Dorrit (2008) vs. Anne of Green Gables (1986) 

Thanks to everyone who voted in Round Three! 
Are you pleased with the results? Are there any of these contestants that you are sad to see go?

Round Four will be up very soon! 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Period Drama Actress - Anna Massey

On July 2, 2011 the British actress Anna Massey passed away peacefully in her home at the age of 73. I didn't know this before but Ms. Massey had been battling cancer. Her roles in numerous period dramas were spectacular and she became a legend in her own right.

Since Ms. Massey was one of my favorite actresses I've been remiss in not posting about her sooner. But I wanted to collect the best information possible before writing about her prestigious life and work.

Massey Family
Mother Adrianne, Father Raymond, baby Anna and older brother Daniel

She was born Anna Raymond Massey, the daughter of Canadian born actor Raymond Massey and British actress Adrianne Allen. Anna's older brother Daniel Massey was also an actor (an old-fashioned handsome one at that!). 

Anna on the set of Frenzy with Alfred Hitchcock
Anna began her acting career on stage at the age of 18. While she's probably best known for her roles in TV series and films, she did star on the silver screen as well. She was in Alfred Hitchcock's Frenzy in 1972. I've never seen this but it seems like her role was a larger one. 

She played the strict unfeeling step-aunt Jane Murdstone in the 1969 TV film adaptation of David Copperfield. I have seen this adaptation once but strangely I don't remember her in it. Perhaps because she was quite young. Film also stars greats Laurence Olivier, Wendy Hiller and Ralph Richardson.

She played the character Lady Laura Kennedy in the 1974 TV miniseries adaptation of Anthony Trollope's The Pallisers. I found several lovely photos of her in this series, she's so pretty and had such lovely costumes! I don't know much about this series but I really want to watch it sometime. 

She tackled the role of Lucetta Templeman in The Mayor of Casterbridge (1978). This was my first experience seeing Anna Massey in her younger years and seeing how truly lovely she was! You can read my review of this adaptation here.  

Anna with then husband Jeremy and son David.
She was married for a time to actor Jeremy Brett (best known for his role as Sherlock Holmes in the Granada TV series) and they had one son, writer David Huggins. She played housekeeper Mrs. Danvers in Rebecca (1979) alongside Jeremy Brett and Joanna David

My favorite role of Anna Massey's by far is her absolutely spot on portrayal of Aunt Norris in Mansfield Park (1983)! As I'm reading Mansfield Park for the first time I can't get her face and voice out of my head. Especially the way in which she purses her lips in displeasure and snips whenever she's crossed! 
I associate Ms. Massey very much with Jane Austen not only because of Aunt Norris but also because of my audiobooks of Northanger Abbey and Persuasion which she reads. Often when I'm reading Jane Austen's novels I can hear her unique voice in my head.

In the 1980's she also had roles in period dramas The Day After the Fair (adaptation of a Thomas Hardy story which I've seen and been meaning to review), A Hazard of Hearts (a very romantic Regency era adventure), Around the World in 80 Days and A Tale of Two Cities (haven't seen but heard it's good).

In 1987 Anna won a BAFTA for Best Actress in the BBC's Hotel du Lac. I watched this on YouTube not too long ago and she was truly stunning as the character Edith Hope, a young novel writer who visits a hotel in Switzerland hoping for peace and quiet but instead gets caught up in the interesting lives of the hotel's glamorous guests.  

Another of my favorite of Anna's roles is as Miss Prism in The Importance of Being Earnest (2002). This is one of my all time favorite films, it's so fun and very cleverly adapted for the big screen. There's nothing like hearing her say lines like "The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is was fiction means." 
She starred alongside Judi Dench, Colin Firth, Reese Witherspoon and Rupert Everett among many other talented actors.

She amazed me once again in her role as Aunt Stanbury in the BBC's 2004 adaptation of Anthony Trollope's novel He Knew He Was Right. Aunt Stanbury starts out seeming a very similar character to Aunt Norris of Mansfield Park but soon proves that she is loving and witty underneath her tight laced exterior. 
You can read my review of the miniseries here.  

Anna with actors Kevin Whately & Edward Fox in Inspector Lewis.
Near to my love of period dramas is my love of British mystery programs. One reason I really enjoy them is that many actors from period dramas are continually popping up! So I pleased but not surprised to see Anna Massey make appearances in TV mystery shows such as Inspector Morse, Inspector Lewis and Midsomer Murders (two different appearances).

In 2007 she played the kindly housekeeper Mrs. Bedwin in Oliver Twist. I recently watched and reviewed this adaptation (read my review here) and was struck again by Anna Massey's power and ability as an actress! 
While reading various articles on her I found this delightful quote that perfectly sums up her work in this film: 
"In later years, she became best known for her award-winning work in television and film. What constantly impressed was her fastidious intelligence and capacity for stillness: always the mark of a first-rate actor." - quoted from The Guardian 

Gemma Arterton as Tess with Anna Massey
She was a formidable Mrs. D'Urbeville in Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbevilles (2008). I still haven't seen this adaptation but want to watch her performance there even though I probably wouldn't watch the rest of the film. I don't really like the story of Tess, it's one of the saddest tales ever! 

Not from Poirot but similar hairstyle
The next to the last appearance Anna made and her last period drama role was Miss Pebmarsh in Poirot: The Clocks. The character she played is a blind lady who finds a murder victim surrounded by seven clocks. Miss Pebmarsh is not all she seems though and has a strength that was a perfect way for Anna's career to end. I love Poirot films too! 

In 2005 Anna received a Commander of the British Empire (CBE) from the Queen for her services to drama. There's a lovely little article here to read if you are interested. She definitely deserved it as her acting and experience is similar to Dame Judi Dench and Dame Maggie Smith. 
At the time she said: "I am absolutely thrilled to receive this. It was a lovely surprise to have my name put forward. We live in a country full of tradition and this is a wonderful tradition. In our profession, you get quite a lot of rejections so to receive something like this is lovely." 

In 2006 Anna Massey's autobiography Telling Some Tales was released. From the articles I've read it seems she didn't have an easy life. Tragedies such as an estranged father, eating disorders, extreme stage fright,  and a horribly failed first marriage are discussed in her book. Anna herself admits that acting didn't come easy: "'I find acting incredibly difficult - it demands much more of my time than it does for some people. I'm not instinctive. It takes enormous discipline and bravery to get me there." - quoted from the Mail Online

For more about Anna Massey you can read these articles about her life and death:
Love this signed photograph!

Dear Anna Massey, that quiet brilliant talent that graced many period dramas. She will be greatly missed. 

What is your favorite Anna Massey role?

Very Truly Your's,
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