I'm an American, and blessed by the Lord to live in a country where His name is regularly praised and He is still prayed to and honored in our customs. The faith of our forefather's led them to make sacrifices and forge a new life and a new system of government where they could be free to live out their religious beliefs. I thank the Lord for allowing me to live in the USA and I don't mind celebrating our independence but also pray every day that my nation will turn back to God.

My parents are both US Navy veterans which might also be part of my source of pride in our military. I pray for troops serving their country even today and ask that the Lord will comfort and bless them and their families.

The 4th of July is also my brother's birthday. He is our genuine real-live firecracker! He will be eighteen years old tomorrow and I'm very glad I have this weekend off so I can celebrate with him. We'll be making our yearly rounds of the local parade and fireworks and also check out a picnic in our state's capital hosted by our local "Tea Party" chapter. We'll also have cake and ice cream and presents for Andy. Can't wait to celebrate!

All of these darling Victorian postcards I found online at an interesting little site. I love the old-fashioned feel! :)
Praying your weekend is bright and sunny and filled with the Lord's blessings!

Sounds like a fun weekend!
I checked out that site and I like all the different Victorian style cards they have.
Also wanted to say that I like how you add some text to your screen caps.
Happy Fourth of July! I´m in Mexico right now so I didn´t get to celebrate this year :(
Thanks so much for the comment you left me! It´s so nice to not feel so alone.
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