Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Oliver Twist (2007)

Oliver Twist 2009 Oliver Twist isn't my favorite of Charles Dickens' novels. Its tale of a young boy born into the workhouse and faced with many adversities throughout his childhood years is quite heart-wrenching. So when Oliver Twist (2007) came to Masterpiece Theatre in the USA in 2009 I was not very interested at first. But I watched it and found it had some interesting moments which other period drama fans might enjoy.

Storyline: Oliver is born into poverty and misfortune - the son of an unmarried mother, who dies shortly after his birth. He grows up in the workhouse, where the cruel Mr. Bumble oversees children tormented by starvation and suffering. When Oliver dares to ask for more gruel, he finds himself cast out and sold to an undertaker and his rascal son. Running away to London, Oliver meets the Artful Dodger and his gang, as well as the beautiful Nancy, and gets the first warm welcome of his life - but he is soon to discover that this kindness is not all it seems. As Oliver is drawn deeper into the dark and murky underworld, he remains unaware that the kind Mr. Brownlow is searching for him, while others - the brutal criminal Bill Sykes, the manipulative Fagin and the mysterious Mr. Monks - are vying to ruin and destroy his life.


Scenes: Very dark and foreboding for the most part. All fit well with the time period. There is a great contrast between the cluttered, dirty back streets where Fagin lives and the clean beautiful home of rich Mr. Brownlow. Oliver also travels across some lovely outdoor scenes on his way to London. There is a lot of detailed layers in all of the scenes.


Costumes: Similar to the sets, the costumes are vastly contrasted between the good and bad characters, between rich and poor. Bad characters are clad in clothing made with rich tones and textures that are frayed and often dirty, giving an overall raggedy appearance. I take some issue with this idea that folks who make their living from thieving can't even steal some halfway decent clothes and a bar of soap every now and then.
By stark contrast the good characters wear spotless garments in light bright fabrics and colors. Mr. Brownlow's young ward Rose had some especially lovely dresses and neat hairstyles, and his housekeeper had some neat lace caps and a pretty broach.

Music: One thing that gives this adaptation almost a modern day feel in many ways is the music. An upbeat opening theme song starts the viewer on the journey through this bizarre tale. But I found the music played during the exciting scenes of a chase, near escape or something bad happening rather distracting and overpowering as it often featured the sound of drums or electric guitar played at a fast pace. It certainly does help to quicken the heartbeat and cement the feeling of dread or concern but I think it was a bit much.

Music Video:
The opening and ending theme songs are actually quite catchy. My sister and I enjoy listening to them by themselves. I made this video featuring four songs and photos from the film.

Actors You Might Recognize: One thing I really enjoyed was the familiar faces that just kept popping up throughout the film. Here are some of the folks you might recognize and their other roles in period dramas.

My Thoughts: There were things I liked and things I didn't care for. I found it very interesting that they cast dark skinned actress Sophie Okonedo as Nancy. I'm sure in Victorian London at the time there would have been African-British ladies of the evening but Charles Dickens' Nancy wasn't one of them. But I found Sophie Okonedo's portrayal very touching and it was easy to sympathize with her and to feel sad for her as she continues to trust Bill Sykes despite everything he does. Also I wonder at the filmmaker's bold references to Fagin's Jewish heritage. I haven't read Oliver Twist but I believe the trouble that the author was pointing to was the horrible treatment children like Oliver were receiving at the hands of people who were supposed to be helping, and nothing about the religious beliefs or prejudices of the day. I'm probably wrong, but I just thought Fagin's court scene at the end of the film was rather unnecessary.
The things I did like were the beauty and sanctuary of Mr. Brownlow's London home. It is so completely in keeping with the time period and it's occupants are so truly kind and gracious. Rose is the sweetest creature imaginable and the housekeeper Mrs. Bedwin is kind and wise. I also enjoyed the mysterious scoundrel Mr. Monks and seeing how his search for informations about Oliver progressed. Minor characters like Mr. Bumble and his power-seeking fiancée Mrs, Corney are quite funny as they vie for more money from Mr. Monks - funny in a bit of a cruel way. For the most part I enjoyed young actor William Miller as Oliver Twist. He is a bit older than I imaged Oliver, and there are a few scenes where he's more outspoken than the Oliver of the book. But this young actor deserves great credit for his accent and the earnestness of his portrayal.  


My Recommendations: This adaptation moves fairly quickly and the filmmakers added a bit of grit and adventure to the classic Dickens tale. It's an interesting look but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who likes a cleaner more polished period drama or is looking for a faithful adaptation. But to anyone who are fans of the actors this is a must see. Oliver Twist isn't a tale for the fain of heart, but it does end with the good triumphing and the bad being punished for their crimes.

Have you ever seen this adaptation? Did you enjoy it?
If you've read the book how does this adaptation compare?
Do you have a favorite character from Oliver Twist?

Do you feel they portrayed the characters well in this adaptation?

Trailer: This trailer is a preview from Masterpiece Theatre.

Very Truly Your's,

Saturday, May 28, 2011

David Copperfield (1999)

David Copperfield 2000
Another Charles Dickens adaptation that I've seen a few times but have failed to review until now. David Copperfield (1999) is a BBC adaptation, usually shown in two parts. I really enjoy the story of young David Copperfield, it is not that much different from Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby or Great Expectations - all have similar themes and follow the main character through trials to a joyful end. After seeing a few versions I've decided my favorite adaptation is David Copperfield (2000) which I've already reviewed. But both have lovely script, scenery, costumes, actors and fun moments. If it was possible I'd take a combination of both adaptations!

Storyline: David Copperfield lives a nearly idyllic existence with his beautiful mother Clara and their housekeeper Peggotty. His life changes forever when his mother re-marries to Mr. Murdstone a no-nonsense businessman and a strict disciplinarian who believes in corporal punishment. David is soon sent to a strict boarding school but when his mother dies, his stepfather sends him to London to work in a foul smelling factory. He forms a close friendship with Mr. Micawber living with him and his loving family but as the Micawbers are forced by circumstance to relocate, he seeks out his aunt Betsey Trotwood. She sends him to a fine school and he lodges with Mr. Wickfield and his daughter Agnes. As he grows older David is apprenticed to a law firm where he soon meets the senior partner's daughter, Dora. Life's challenges continue to confront him but with the help of friends and family, he overcomes adversity including his aunt's loss of her savings.

Scenes: Sets are wonderful! From David's idyllic childhood home and his dreary boarding school to the Peggotty's happy seaside home and the splendor of London, all of the sets are very well done. I particularly enjoyed seeing the Peggotty's boat house.

Costumes: Costumes are very lovely, I particularly like the dresses David's mother wears at the beginning of the film and the other ladies in the film also have some lovely bonnets and gowns. The gentlemen are suitably attired, David has some very find hats.

Music: The music is light and airy and sets the tone for the scenes without being too overpowering. Soundtrack for this film was composed by Robert Lane who, I just found out, composed soundtracks for many other recognizable period dramas. His other work includes: Jane Eyre (2006), Daniel Deronda (2002)The 39 Steps (2008), Tess of the D'Urbervilles (2008), South Riding (2011), John Adams (TV series, which I have yet to see) and Merlin (TV Series). Wow! What a find!

Actors You Might Recognize: There are many recognizable actors in this adaptation that are continuously popping out, mostly in smaller roles, throughout the film. Here are just a few:

My Thoughts: This really is a visually lovely adaptation. I'm not quite sure how faithful it is to the book because it does seem to go rather quickly. There are some intense moments in David's childhood when he's at school and then his step-father isn't very nice to him either. But there are many lighter moments as well. As I said above I really enjoyed Maggie Smith as Aunt Betsey Trotwood. My favorite scenes are the ones where she and Mr. Dick are deciding what's to be done with young David. I really enjoy the character, she's very particular but has a very kind heart. The Micawbers are also very sweet and fun to watch. The character of David Copperfield is an interesting one, not unlike Pip from Great Expectations or Nicholas from Nicholas Nickleby. He has several trials to face, and even happiness is sometimes tainted, but he has a noble character through it all. Young (and now popular) actor Daniel Radcliffe played David as a young boy and did a very good job, but unfortunately they did not take as great care in casting the grown up David. While Ciarán McMenamin (a very lovely Irish Gaelic name!) does a fine job in the role, there is really nothing remarkable about his portrayal and he lost my interest pretty quickly. Thankfully the other characters, like the lovely Agnes and her father, kept me interested in how their stories were going to turn out. 


My Recommendations: Because of this disappointing David I much prefer David Copperfield (2000) because actor Hugh Dancy appears at the beginning of the film sharing his story as David and then, capturing the viewer's attention, carries the rest of the film very well. But I highly recommend that anyone who enjoys Charles Dickens adaptations see both versions and decide for themselves. There are many remarkeable performances in this version which are not to be missed

Have you ever seen this adaptation? Did you enjoy it?
If you've read the book how does this adaptation compare?
Do you have a favorite character from David Copperfield?

Very Truly Your's,
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