Thank you all for voting in my poll What Should Be The Theme Of My Next Blog Design?, the votes have been tallied and the wining choice is:
The Young Victoria -- 22 votes
I know what you're thinking (because reading minds may or may not be among my many talents), you're saying to yourself: "Wait, so if The Young Victoria won then why is Miss Laurie's blog currently decorated in a delightful Anne of Green Gables theme?"
And, the answer to that is that although The Young Victoria did get 22 votes I had a difficult time finding photos from that film that were particularly Autumn-ish. So, since Anne of Green Gables came in a close second with 21 votes and I found tons of Anne of Avonlea (aka The Sequel) photos that were very Autumn-ish I decided to use that as a theme for now and make up a very special The Young Victoria theme for Christmastime! So all you Queen Victoria and Price Albert fans will have to wait a little bit longer, but not too long! :)
I've even made a new blog button featuring Anne of Avonlea for ya'll to use if you wish. Find it below or on the right hand sidebar.
(The old Molly Gibson button can be found on the Blog Buttons page)

The header isn't showing up for me. All I see is a black banner with a red warning icon in the middle. You don't need to publish this if you don't want to.
Oooo!! I love the overall theme! Especially the header! You did a fabulous job with it!
I love the Megan Follows Anne of Green Gables movies, though I find myself every now and then having to bite my lip in order to refrain from going on a "that's not how it is in the book" rant, haha. But I think she was a marvelous actress and I would say all the parts were cast very well!
Favorite scene... hmmmmm.... in the first movie- when Anne and Diana are standing on the cliff overlooking the ocean at sunset, and have a confiding, mature chat. I love how Anne points out how they are rich because they have "sixteen years to our credit, and we both have wonderful imaginations".
In the second movie- Okay. Firstly, who wouldn't love the scene at the end when they finally become engaged. But tied with that is the scene that you mentioned makes you teary-eyed. The one where Gilbert and Anne meet up unexpectedly. I love it when he gives her the letter- he's still been thinking of her. :) And then when she follows him to the train to say "thank you". :')
Once again, I love the theme!
I love the new theme! Anne and Fall! Two of my favorite things! :-D
I love Anne of Avonlea, even better than the first Anne movie. I had grown up watching these movies (which explains a few "Anne" incidents of my own...making me called an Anne among my family...but we won't go into that right now), and I was actually disappointed a bit when I read the books and found out Anne of Avonlea wasn't like the movie. :-P
I LOVE your new header, design, and everything!! I'm a huge Anne of Green Gables fan, and you pulled her theme together so wonderfully in your delightfully autumn-ish blog design. :)
Love the new theme, Miss Laurie!! Anne of Green Gables is one of my family's favorite films! As well as Anne of Avonlea. And I love autumn, everything about this season! Autumn and Anne... epic win! :)
I love your new background and header.
Oh lovely! Anne 2 is like my favorite movie visually.
I love Anne. I am currently re-reading the whole series. The movies are so good even if they don't follow the books. Except for the third one. That was just too messed up for me.
Your blog looks divinely beautiful, m'dear! The Anne theme was a dazzlingly clever idea and I'm sure we'll all be enjoying some divinely good posts this fall.
:P Heehee, couldn't resist.
I must say, I do love anything Anne-related (er... that is, anything related to the eight original books or the first two movies. If there was a third one, which there isn't, I wouldn't acknowledge its existence.) Do I have a favorite scene in the movies? I do indeed! (I'm allowed to pick one for each, right?) My favorite scene in Anne1 begins when Anne is walking through the forest reciting The Lady of Shalott, and ends when she and Gilbert are walking home from the cow pasture (it's a long scene, cough cough). As for the second movie, my favorite one begins with Anne on the beach, writing, and ends with Anne and Gilbert kissing on the bridge.
I must say, you've quite unconsciously helped me to make a decision this week! I'm planning to redo my blog for autumn as well, and I was seesawing between an Emma theme and an Anne theme... well, I shall seesaw no longer! Emma it shall be! So, thank you!
Oh my, a bittersweet theme. Bravo! I keep looking around for Autumn and only seeing tiny glimpses. This really sets the mood. Thank you miss Laurie. Very well done indeed :-)
Ooh how fun, Miss Laurie! I love the header and the background is fun, too. And I can hardely wait for your Young Victoria one - that movie has such lovely colors and dresses. :D
Love the header and the new design...such beautiful colors. :) Delightful!
Maybe I'll watch Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Green Gables: the sequel (as it is called in Canada) this weekend! It has been awhile since I watched them...
I adore the header! The background is breathtaking and I love that picture of Anne. :P
You have absolutely outdone yourself with this theme my dear. It is stunning!
This is a fantastic theme!
I really do love those movies. I think my favorite scene is the end of the first movie when Anne and Gilbert meet in the field.
Or when Anne thinks that Gilbert is dying (this one is sad, but sweet.)
I love,love,love your blog design.
It's so feminine and fallsih:)
I LOVE anything to do with Anne of Green Gables! My favorite movies. :-)The Fall scenes are so pretty.
I was recently "accused" of being too "Anne of Green Gables" all the time. But I chose to take what was meant unkindly as a compliment. ;-)
Your new blog theme reminds me of when I was a kid, I had a little box collection of Anne of Green Gables books. I don't think I ever read through them all, but I remember that I really loved them. Whenever Those books come to mind, it always reminds me that I want to get back to those books and finally read them all. Pretty new blog theme!
I love Megan as Anne. It is so perfect that you chose Anne for your fall theme, these movies always make me wish it is fall. Anne is so beautiful, I just love her fashion, especially her hairstyles. I have created a blog where I talk about how to recreate this beautiful look.
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